


I'm trying to call a C shared library function from LibreOffice Basic, but I always get "Basic Runtime Error. Not implemented" when it hits the Declare line. It's just for a fun thing but being unable to do it is bugging me.




The C function delaration looks like this:

INT score_word(字符*词,字符* word_bonuses)

(可能为ByRef字作为字符串不是字符*单词的正确翻译?我找不到如何使用的char *参数从LibreOffice的基本功能的文档。)

(Maybe ByRef word As String is not the right translation of char* word? I can't find documentation on how to use char* parameters to functions from LibreOffice Basic.)


I validated the shared library itself by calling it using Python's ctypes module:

>>> from ctypes import CDLL
>>> lib = CDLL("/usr/lib/libscrabblescore.so")
>>> lib.score_word("qi", "dw dlq")


(So I have the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything," just not for how to do this in LibreOffice Basic!)


I tried using the absolute path in the Declare statement as well, and it made no difference.


I found a Windows thread on the topic of calling DLL's where the asker said he needed to put the DLL in a specific location (the LibreOffice bin directory) so LibreOffice could access it. There is no LibreOffice bin directory per-se on Linux, and unfortunately there are 351 candidate directories I was able to identify on my machine (my path, and all folders with "libreoffice" in the name or under a folder with "libreoffice" in the name).


I tried a shotgun approach and put a symbolic link to the shared library in all 351 directories, but then Calc hangs on startup. So I removed those, started Calc, and put them all back in place and tried the function. If it was a location thing, you'd think that would work as LibreOffice Basic is supposed to load the library at the point of the Declare. Still no luck.

有些东西看着oooforums但网站超时有前途的,当我尝试查看线程。 (编辑:我设法今天晚上来查看线程,它是Windows的安全问题,我在LibreOffice中关闭所有的宏安全性,仍然有问题。)

There was something that looked promising on oooforums but the site times out when I try to view the thread. ( I managed to view the thread this evening and it was Windows security problem. I turned off all macro security in my LibreOffice and still have the problem.)

那么,有没有人曾经成功地称作C从知道我做错了一的LibreOffice Basic程序共享库函数?谢谢!

So, has anybody ever successfully called a C shared library function from a LibreOffice Basic program that knows what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!


除非你仅限于基本那么它看起来像你的问题已经具备了很好的解决方案。写这样的事情在Python UNO:

Unless you are limited to Basic then it looks like your question already shows a good solution. Write something like this in Python UNO:

import ctypes
lib = ctypes.cdll.loadLibrary("/usr/lib/libscrabblescore.so")
result = lib.score_word("qi", "dw dlq")
oText.insertString(oTextCursor, result, 0)


08-24 17:51