本文介绍了IBM Worklight 6.1 - 如何从Eclipse向Xcode添加自定义编写的本机代码?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们在Iphone 5s上创建了一个混合应用程序。 worklight服务器版本为6.1,Xcode版本为5.0.2。我们注意到在我们删除了Iphone下的原生文件夹之后,我们自编的本机代码就消失了。因此,当我们从Eclipse构建Xcode项目时,我们需要手动将这些本机代码添加到Xcode中。我只是想知道是否有更方便的方法来做到这一点?

We created a hybrid application on Iphone 5s. The worklight server version is 6.1, Xcode version is 5.0.2. We noticed that after we deleted our native folder under Iphone, our self-written native codes were gone. Therefore, we need to manually add these native codes to Xcode when we build a Xcode project from Eclipse. I am just wondering if there is a more convenient way to do it?




If you delete the native folder, then any user-files you've placed in it will be deleted as well. When building the application again after deleting the native folder Worklight can only re-generate the Worklight-files, not user-files...



  1. 你可以将类文件(.m和.h文件)放在 iphone \\\
    ativeResoures \Classes
    文件夹中(创建此文件夹)。现在,每次在Worklight Studio中构建时,类文件都将从 iphone \ nativeResources \Classes 文件夹复制到 iphone \ native \类文件夹。所以这是一种备份,如果您删除本机文件夹。

  1. You can place the class files (the .m and .h files) in the iphone\nativeResoures\Classes folder (create this Classes folder). Now upon every build in Worklight Studio the class files will be copied from the iphone\nativeResources\Classes folder to the iphone\native\Classes folder. So this is a sort of a back-up in case you delete the native folder.

但请注意!通过nativeResources复制或手动将类文件放在Eclipse中的 iphone \ native \Classes 文件夹中,是不够的。 Eclipse不知道如何在Xcode项目中引用您的类文件。这是您必须在Xcode 中执行的操作,以便在项目的.pbxproj文件中引用它们。

But note! Copying via nativeResources or manually placing the class files in the iphone\native\Classes folder in Eclipse, is not enough. Eclipse does not know how to reference your class files in the Xcode project. This is something you must do in Xcode so that they will be referenced in the project's .pbxproj file.


Eclipse cannot do this for you and I would not recommend on doing this referencing manually.


This is also explained in the "Adding native functionality to hybrid application with Apache Cordova plugin" training module provided in the IBM Worklight Getting Started training materials.


If you develop in Mac, then you can open the .xcodeproj file (located in the native folder) from the Eclipse workspace after you build the project; this means that any changes you will do in Xcode will be part of your project in Eclipse (because you are working on the same files)... So this too is a way to ease on development.


But be careful if you do this while also using the nativeResources approach, because then you will lose your changes in Xcode upon build in Eclipse.


You can use both of these approaches if you act carefully. Always backup your class files to the nativeResources folder before building in Eclipse after changing the .m or .h files in Xcode.


You are working with 2 IDEs, so you need to juggle...

这篇关于IBM Worklight 6.1 - 如何从Eclipse向Xcode添加自定义编写的本机代码?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 17:32