


I have read about StringTokenizer, StreamTokenizer, Scanner, Pattern and Matcher from the java.util.regex package. I have also read about opinions on them and I am realy confused: which one is the best to use?


What I need to do is to make an Assambler, that is, to parse a file containing Assembly language from that file and I need to transform it into Machine Code.


For example if I have the assembly code:

MOV R15,R12


This should translate to hexa numbers coresponding to each instruction and register.


  • MOV变为10 F3
  • R15变为11 F2
  • R12变为20 1E
  • MOV becomes 10 F3
  • R15 becomes 11 F2
  • R12 becomes 20 1E


Thus, my output file should be:

10 F3 11 F2 20 1E


Now I need to parse the Assembly file to identify each instruction and what comes after it.


For those who know microcontroller there are many ways for an instruction to appear. My question is:


Using Java, which is the best method to transform each word from my file into tokens (using any of the aforementioned classes), so that I can find the matching one and write it into a file.

ldi R13,0x31


I need to have ldi in one token, r13 in another and 31 in another


好吧,您提到的所有内容都非常适合简单地标记字符串或文件.在最新的JDK中,不建议使用StringTokenizer,并且存在更高效的令牌生成器,例如Scanner甚至String.split().但是,我认为这不是您想要的.您似乎需要一个词法分析器,或者至少需要一个词法分析器.因为您要理解标记,所以不只是基于某些分隔符对其进行分割.因此,您可以自己改正(如果您正在使用毒品),或者只使用一种非常好的现有工具.像ANTLR http://www.antlr.org/它也是免费的,但是可能有点难以使用.还有JavaCC.祝你好运!

Well, everything you mentioned is pretty good for simply tokenizing a string or file. In the latest JDK, StringTokenizer is deprecated and more efficient tokenizers like Scanner and even String.split() exist.However, I don't think this is what you want. You seem to be needing a lexer, or at least a lexer-parser. Because you want to make sense of the tokens, not just split them based on some separator. So either you right your own - if you're on drugs - or just use one of the very good and existing tools out there. Like ANTLR http://www.antlr.org/It's free too, but may be a little hard to use. Also there's JavaCC. Good luck!


08-23 15:21