

我最近参加了一个类上 coursera 有关自然语言处理,我学到了很多东西有关分析,IR和其他有趣的方面,像Q&安培; A等。虽然我掌握的概念很好,但我实际上并没有得到任何的实用知识。任何人都可以建议我良好的网上教程或书籍,自然语言处理?

I recently attended a class on coursera about "Natural Language Processing" and I learnt a lot about parsing, IR and other interesting aspects like Q&A etc. though I grasped the concepts well but I did not actually get any practical knowledge of it. Can anyone suggest me good online tutorials or books for Natural Language Processing?



您可以阅读Jurafsky和马丁的语音和语言处理( 2008年版),这是该领域的标准教科书。它的长,并有各种主题的,所以我建议你阅读这一点真的适用于你的利益的章节。

You could read Jurafsky and Martin's Speech and Language Processing (2008 edition), which is the standard textbook in the field. It's long, and has a variety of topics, so I'd suggest reading just the chapters that really apply to your interests.


Further, the best way to learn is almost certainly to actually implement NLP algorithms from scratch. You could pick some standard tasks (language modeling, text classification, POS-tagging, NER, parsing) and implement various algorithms from the ground up (ngram models, HMMs, Naive Bayes, MaxEnt, CKY) to really understand what makes them work. It also shouldn't be too hard to find some free dataset to test your implementations on.


Finally, there are lots of tutorials out there for specific NLP algorithms that are excellent. For example, if you want to build an HMM, I suggest Jason Eisner's tutorial which also covers smoothing and unsupervised training with EM. If you want to implement Gibbs sampling for unsupervised Naive Bayes training, I suggest Philip Resnik's tutorial.


08-21 16:44