使用.Net Framework 4.7的混合webforms/mvc asp.net应用程序已在Veracode动态扫描中标记为会话固定"漏洞.这意味着Veracode获取登录页面,更改SessionId cookie(ASP.NET_SessionId),然后使用有效的用户ID和密码进行张贴以进行登录. ASP.Net登录用户,但获取此更改后的SessionId cookie并继续使用它;使用注入的SessionId值的行为就是缺陷.
A hybrid webforms/mvc asp.net application using .Net Framework 4.7 has been tagged with the "Session Fixation" vulnerability in a Veracode dynamic scan. What this means is that Veracode gets the login page, alters the SessionId cookie (ASP.NET_SessionId), and then posts with a valid userid and password to do the login. ASP.Net logs in the user, but takes this altered SessionId cookie and continues to use it; that behavior of using that injected SessionId value is the flaw.
换句话说,当Veracode获取页面时,SessionId cookie可能是"abc123". Veracode将该cookie更改为"def456"并回发.此后,ASP.Net登录用户并使用"def456"作为SessionId.
In other words, when Veracode gets the page the SessionId cookie might be "abc123". Veracode changes that cookie to "def456" and posts back. ASP.Net logs in the user and uses "def456" as the SessionId henceforth.
每个Veracode我必须使成功登录之前创建的ASP.Net_SessionID cookie无效.当然,这很容易做到,我可以在用户成功登录后简单地重置ASP.NET_SessionId cookie.问题是,这导致用户被直接重定向回登录页面.那么会发生什么:
Per Veracode I must invalidate the ASP.Net_SessionID cookie created prior to a successful login. This is easy to do of course, I can simply reset the ASP.NET_SessionId cookie when the user successfully logs in. The problem is, this causes the user to be redirected right back to the login page. So what happens is this:
- 用户提交登录页面.
- 在服务器端,如果登录成功,我将ASP.NET_SessionId重置为某个新值(通过调用SessionIDManager.SaveSessionID(),这又会简单地重置ASP.Net_SessionID cookie).
- 用户被重定向到应用程序主页,然后立即被重定向回到登录页面
The application uses forms authentication, with a webforms login page. The login page uses the asp.net Login control. In the "OnAuthenticate" event of this control I have code like this:
protected void Login1_Authenticate(object sender, AuthenticateEventArgs e)
bool b = Membership.Validateuser(Login1.UserName, Login1.Password);
e.Authenticated = true;
SessionIDManager mgr = new SessionIDManager();
string newId = mgr.CreateSessionID(Context);
mgr.SaveSessionID(Context, newId, out bool redirected, out bool cookieAdded);
这运行没有错误. ASP.net将用户重定向到应用程序主页.但是,asp.net会立即将用户从应用程序主页重定向到登录页面.
This runs without error. ASP.net redirects the user to the application home page. But then asp.net immediately redirects the user from the application home page back to the login page.
是否可以通过任何方式更改该SessionId cookie,
Is there any way to alter that SessionId cookie so that
- Veracode注入的SessionId cookie值被放弃.
- 用户保持身份验证,并且不会简单地重定向回登录页面.
I've attempted running the code that alters the SessionId in various page events (PreInit, Load, etc) and all of them have the same result--the user is redirected back to the login page.
请不要将此问题标记为已回答.关于这个问题,有几个答案,所有这些建议都像我上面一样建议重新设置SessionId cookie,并且所有这些注释都指出这实际上不起作用.
Please do not mark this question as already answered. There are several answers to this question on SO, all of which advise re-setting the SessionId cookie as I do above, and all of which have comments pointing out that this does not actually work.
After considerable back-and-forth the final reply from a Veracode consultant was the following, basically saying "don't worry about it." This is the reply from Veracode: