


I have created a java daemon program that collects data from social network accounts. I use a lot of services including Flick, S3, GeoCoding, etc. Currently I have the program set up to read all these API keys from a properties file. I also have a similarly formatted properties file in my test folder that contains different keys for testing purposes. These property files are not committed to source obviously. This collection program writes to a mongo db. I am also building a web app that also works with mongo and will be deployed along side the collection. During my development I am reading that it is best to store keys as environment variables on the production side. It got me think; which leads me to my question...


I am wondering if there is a better way to handle these keys in my java program (from a deployment standpoint) or some possible routes that people have tried in doing something similar to this. Can someone shed some light on this?


最新的热度(在容器的世界中)是使用,作为分布式配置存储。 工具能够确保应用程序配置文件与配置更改保持同步。

The latest hotness (in a world of containers) is to use zookeeper, etcd or consul as a distributed configuration store. The confd tool is capable of ensuring that application configuration files are kept in sync with changes to configuration.


My personal preference is Consul which has a similar template tool called consul-template, and another called envconsul if you would prefer your program to consume environment variables.


Finally Hasicorp, the makers of consul, have an encryption product called vault. It works well with consul and is also supported by consul-template.


08-20 05:24