我正在尝试计算两种形式的指数与某些 x,y
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
数据= np.loadtxt('data.txt',unpack = True)
xdata,ydata = data [0],data [1]
def func (x,a,b,c):
返回a * np.exp(b * x)+ c
popt,pcov = curve_fit(func ,xdata,ydata)
print popt
def func2(x,a,b,c,d) :
返回a * np.exp(b * x + c)+ d
popt2,pcov2 = curve_fit(func2,xdata,ydata)
print popt2
第一个指数给出的值完全相同es as zunzun.com(),价格为 popt
[7.67760545e-15 1.52175476e + 00 2.15705939e-02]
,但是第二个给出的值显然对于 popt2
[-1.26136676e + 02 -8.13233297e-01 -6.66772692e + 01 3.63133641e-02]
a = 6.2426224704624871E-15
b = 1.5217697532005228E + 00
c = 2.0660424037614489E-01
d = 2.1570805929514186E-02
如果我像这样将第一个指数的估计值馈入第二个指数(使新参数 d
popt2,pcov2 = curve_fit(func2,xdata,ydata,p0 = [popt [0],popt [1],popt [2] ,0])
[1.22560853e-14 1.52176160e + 00 -4.67859961e-01 2.15706930e-02]
请注意,估算中的 a = 0
在您的第一个模型中。因此,他们只是在估计一个常数。因此,在第一种情况下, b
和 b
和 c
在我上次查看它时,Zunzun还使用差分进化作为全局求解器。 Scipy现在已经成为了看起来不错的全局优化器,这在可能出现局部最小值的情况下值得尝试。
err_last = 20
开始= np.random.uniform(-10,10,size = 4)
popt2,pcov2 = curve_fit(func2,xdata,ydata,p0 = start)
err =( (ydata-func2(xdata,* popt2))** 2).sum()
如果err< err_last:
err_last =错误
最佳= popt2
za = 6.2426224704624871E-15
zb = 1.5217697532005228E + 00
zc = 2.0660424037614489E-01
zd = 2.1570805929514186E-02
zz = np.array([za,zb,zc,zd])
打印' zz',zz
print'zz',((ydata-func2(xdata,* zz))** 2).sum()
zz [6.24262247e-15 1.52176975e + 00 2.06604240e-01 2.15708059e-02]
cf [1.24791299e -16 1.52176944e + 00 4.11911831e + 00 2.15708019e-02]
zz 9.52135153898
cf 9.52135153904
和 c
的参数与Zunzun不同,但残差平方和相同。 / p>
a * np.exp(b * x + c)+ d = np.exp(b * x +(c + np.log(a)))+ d
a * np.exp(b * x + c)+ d =(a * np .exp(c))* np.exp(b * x)+ d
第二个功能与第一个功能并没有什么不同功能。 a
和 c
I'm trying to compute the best fit of two forms of an exponential to some x, y
data (the data file can be downloaded from here)
Here's the code:
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
# Get x,y data
data = np.loadtxt('data.txt', unpack=True)
xdata, ydata = data[0], data[1]
# Define first exponential function
def func(x, a, b, c):
return a * np.exp(b * x) + c
# Get parameters estimate
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, xdata, ydata)
print popt
# Define second exponential function (one more parameter)
def func2(x, a, b, c, d):
return a * np.exp(b * x + c) + d
# Get parameters estimate
popt2, pcov2 = curve_fit(func2, xdata, ydata)
print popt2
The first exponential gives the exact same values as zunzun.com (PDF here) for popt
[ 7.67760545e-15 1.52175476e+00 2.15705939e-02]
but the second gives values that are clearly wrong for popt2
[ -1.26136676e+02 -8.13233297e-01 -6.66772692e+01 3.63133641e-02]
This are zunzun.com values (PDF here) for that same second function:
a = 6.2426224704624871E-15
b = 1.5217697532005228E+00
c = 2.0660424037614489E-01
d = 2.1570805929514186E-02
I tried making the lists arrays as reccomended here Strange result with python's (scipy) curve fitting, but that didn't help. What am I doing wrong here?
Add 1
I'm guessing the problem has to do with the lack of initial values I'm feeding my function (as explained here: gaussian fit with scipy.optimize.curve_fit in python with wrong results)
If I feed the estimates from the first exponential to the second one like so (making the new parameter d
be initially zero):
popt2, pcov2 = curve_fit(func2, xdata, ydata, p0 = [popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], 0])
I get results that are much reasonable but still wrong compared to zunzun.com:
[ 1.22560853e-14 1.52176160e+00 -4.67859961e-01 2.15706930e-02]
So now the question changes to: how can I feed my second function more reasonable parameters automatically?
Note that a=0
in the estimate by zunzun and in your first model. So they are just estimating a constant. So, b
in the first case and b
and c
in the second case are irrelevant and not identified.
Zunzun also uses differential evolution as a global solver, the last time I looked at it. Scipy now has basinhopping as global optimizer that looks pretty good, that is worth a try in cases where local minima are possible.
My "cheap" way, since the parameters don't have a huge range in your example: try random starting values
err_last = 20
best = None
for i in range(10):
start = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, size=4)
# Get parameters estimate
popt2, pcov2 = curve_fit(func2, xdata, ydata, p0=start)
except RuntimeError:
err = ((ydata - func2(xdata, *popt2))**2).sum()
if err < err_last:
err_last = err
print err
best = popt2
za = 6.2426224704624871E-15
zb = 1.5217697532005228E+00
zc = 2.0660424037614489E-01
zd = 2.1570805929514186E-02
zz = np.array([za,zb,zc,zd])
print 'zz', zz
print 'cf', best
print 'zz', ((ydata - func2(xdata, *zz))**2).sum()
print 'cf', err_last
The last part prints (zz is zunzun, cf is curve_fit)
zz [ 6.24262247e-15 1.52176975e+00 2.06604240e-01 2.15708059e-02]
cf [ 1.24791299e-16 1.52176944e+00 4.11911831e+00 2.15708019e-02]
zz 9.52135153898
cf 9.52135153904
Different parameters than Zunzun for b
and c
, but the same residual sum of squares.
a * np.exp(b * x + c) + d = np.exp(b * x + (c + np.log(a))) + d
a * np.exp(b * x + c) + d = (a * np.exp(c)) * np.exp(b * x) + d
The second function isn't really different from the first function. a
and c
are not separately identified. So optimizers, that use the derivative information, will also have problems because the Jacobian is singular in some directions, if I see this correctly.