本文介绍了对于刚开始测试的有经验的程序员,是否有任何好的 TDD 在线教程?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在与一个 Python 开发团队合作,该团队在 Python 编程方面经验丰富,但现在正尝试学习 TDD.由于我自己有一些使用 TDD 的经验,因此我被要求就它进行演示.主要是,我只是想看看这方面的文章,这样我就可以了解其他人是如何教授 TDD 的,并在我的演示文稿中获得一些关于材料的想法.

I'm working with a Python development team who is experienced with programming in Python, but is just now trying to pick up TDD. Since I have some experience working with TDD myself, I've been asked to give a presentation on it. Mainly, I'm just wanting to see articles on this so that I can see how other people are teaching TDD and get some ideas for material to put in my presentation.

最好,我希望介绍是针对 Python 的,但只要示例易于阅读并且概念易于转移到 Python,任何语言都可以.

Preferably, I'd like the intro to be for Python, but any language will do as long as the examples are easy to read and the concepts transfer to Python easily.


我提出的一个建议是开始一个 coding Dojo 组.使用大多数推荐的最佳实践和专注于 TDD 的团队从头开始 TDD 会很有帮助.

One suggestion I'd make is to start a coding Dojo group. It helps to start TDD from scratch with a group, with most of recommended best-practices and focus on TDD.


Its basic ideas is to take a simple challenge (like a program that transforms roman algarisms strings into ints), and start to code it, starting from simple inputs, and coding only when there's a test failing. It's not the focus of this to end the problem, but to start making it the right way.

这是另一个关于它的 link,我从中检索了以下部分:

Here's another link about it, from which I retrieved the following part:

  • 有一个事先宣布的编码挑战.
  • 有一个房间,有一台电脑连接到视频屏幕.
  • 演示者解释编码挑战并开始编码.演示者可能会也可能不会选择有一个副驾驶.如果这是 Randori 会话,通常会分配一名副驾驶,以便在发生切换时,副驾驶接管编码员.
  • 如果会话是 Randori,则每 5 分钟更换一半.
  • 编码员应该不断地解释她或他在做什么.
  • 当观众中有一个人从雪橇上掉下来时,编码员应该停止(对理解这对搭档正在做什么有疑问)——并且只有当这个人重新回到正轨时才继续.
  • 所有编码人员都使用 TDD(测试驱动开发).
  • 所有生成的代码都将使用 Eclipse Common Public License 公开提供.
  • 要使用的编程语言会在每个会话中提前公布.

这篇关于对于刚开始测试的有经验的程序员,是否有任何好的 TDD 在线教程?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 01:52