Our Gitlab pipeline generates some performance graphs, which I would like to be sent to every team member via e-mail.So far, they are marked as artifacts so Gitlab keeps them. Is there any way within Gitlab to achive this? Or should I do that within the job script?
There is no way currently to send artifacts via email from the gitlab interface. You will indeed have to send them from your job scripts.
Gitlab can send an email after a pipeline is finished (see in Settings>Integrations>Pipeline emails), but it doesn't attach artifacts.
共享它们的另一种方法是将它们从您的工作脚本发布到gitlab页面中(此处的文档为: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/index.html ),但不会发送电子邮件.
Another way to share them would be to publish them in gitlab pages from your job script (doc here : https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/index.html), but it wouldn't send an email.