如果我使用git archive命令从裸GIT存储库导出,我会收到错误消息:
if I export from bare GIT repository using git archive command I get error message:"fatal: This operation must be run in a work tree", altough the export passes properly.
So my question is: Is there any issue when exporting from bare repository? I checked the exported archive and it looks alright.
我实际上没有得到这个警告 - 我相当确定是一个错误,在您使用的版本之后的某个时间被解决。我无法确切地告诉我什么时候,因为我甚至没有设法重现它(我尝试过v1.5.3.4,v1.6.2和一个从当前主人的构建。)
I don't actually get that warning - I'm fairly certain it was a bug which was resolved sometime after the version you're using. I can't tell exactly when, because I haven't even managed to reproduce it at all (I tried v1.5.3.4, v1.6.2, and a build from current master.)