About one month ago i upload my first App to the PlayStore and I reserved it only for beta testers. The App is now stable and I decide to move it from beta to production tab.
我的问题是:如何禁用App beta测试器,以便他们对我的应用程序进行评分?为什么要在开发人员控制台中执行此操作,或者每个Beta测试人员都必须将该程序从Playstore中退出?
My question is: How can I disable App beta tester so they can rate my app? Is there a why to do that in the developer console or every single beta tester must leave the program from the playstore?
I found this button but I'm not sure what's going to happen if i click yes,Will all my users continue to use the app and exit the beta testing program without uninstalling and reinstalling the app?
For all those who have my own doubts I wanted to share my solution.
I clicked "YES" on the button that you see in the image, now all my beta testers are able to review and evaluate my app without having to uninstall the application or leave the beta test manually
hope it might be useful to someone in the future