


I know that is not a technical question, but I don't know where else to ask.

有没有办法从 google 或 bing 地图上获取道路标记的限速?或任何其他网络服务?

Is there a way to get the marked speed limit of a road from google or bing maps? or any other web service?


您无法从 Bing Maps 或 Google Maps 获取此信息.我也不知道有任何其他提供此信息的网络服务(当然不是任何免费的).

You cannot obtain this information from Bing Maps or Google Maps. Nor am I aware of any other webservices that provide this information (certainly not any free ones).

Open Street Map (http://osm.org) 能够使用 maxspeed 标签.您可以下载 OSM 行星数据集并将其托管在 SQL Server 2012 等空间数据库中,然后创建自己的 Web 服务来查询数据库并返回最近方式的最大速度,但此值并不总是可靠地填写.但是,即使 maxspeed 标签丢失,您也可以通过查看相关国家/地区道路类型的国家速度限制来得出近似的最大速度限制,如 http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_tags_for_routing/Maxspeed

Open Street Map (http://osm.org) has the ability for ways to be recorded with the maxspeed tag. You could download the OSM planet dataset and host it in a spatial database such as SQL Server 2012, then create your own web service to query the database and return the maxspeed of the closest way, but this value is not always reliably filled in. However, even when the maxspeed tag is missing, you can derive an approximate max speed limit by looking at the national speed limit for the type of road in the country of interest, as documented at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_tags_for_routing/Maxspeed

OSM 数据的质量因国家/地区而异.在英国,它真的非常好——在很多方面都比谷歌地图或必应地图更新、准确和完整.但是,在其他国家,它并不那么可靠.或者,有供应商会向您出售包含此信息的道路网络商业数据集,但它们往往是在国家一级,而且可能非常昂贵.(您对哪个国家/地区感兴趣?您没有提及..)

OSM data varies in quality quite a lot by country. Here in the UK it's really very good - more up-to-date, accurate, and complete than Google Maps or Bing Maps in many respects. However, in other countries it's not so reliable. Alternatively, there are providers that will sell you commercial datasets of road networks containing this information, but they tend to be at the national level and can be very expensive. (What country(s) are you interested in? You don't mention..)

最后,请注意,此信息是相当动态的且与时间相关 - 如果您确实下载了最大道路速度信息的数据集(来自 OSM 或商业来源),预计必须经常更新以跟上- 高速公路变化的日期.

Finally, be aware that this information is fairly dynamic and time-dependent - if you do download a dataset of max road speed information (either from OSM or a commercial source) expect to have to update it frequently to keep up-to-date with highway changes.


08-04 06:36