我正在尝试让logcat适用于Chrome ARC Welder.我运行命令plugin.shell('adbd'),它成功启动.我的问题是当我运行"adb logcat"命令时.我应该在使用任何android应用程序时在JavaScript控制台或adb中运行它.当我在JavaScript控制台中运行它时,我得到:
I am trying to get logcat working for Chrome ARC Welder. I run the command plugin.shell('adbd') and it starts successfully. My question is when I run the 'adb logcat' command. I am supposed to run that in the JavaScript console or adb when working with any android application. When I run it in the JavaScript Console I get:
未捕获的语法错误:意外的标识符VM268:847 InjectedScript._evaluateOnVM268:780 InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrapVM268:646 InjectedScript.evaluate
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifierVM268:847 InjectedScript._evaluateOnVM268:780 InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrapVM268:646 InjectedScript.evaluate
And when from adb directly, it just sits waiting but I get no output.
如果您是使用android SDK的台式机,则可以在ARC启用了adb的情况下从命令行运行"adb logcat",它将显示为设备或仿真器.如果只想从JavaScript控制台运行它,则可以直接运行logcat shell命令,而无需adbd:
If you are on a desktop machine with the android SDK you can run 'adb logcat' from a command line when ARC has adb enabled, it will show up as a device or emulator. If you just want to run it from the JavaScript console you can just run the logcat shell command directly without adbd:
来源: https://developer.chrome.com/apps/getstarted_arc#bestpractices
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