本文介绍了SubSonic 3.0 - 中等信任度的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


2009 年 6 月,SubSonic 3.0 发布.因为我正在为我的网站寻找能够在中等信任环境中工作的 ORM 解决方案,所以这看起来是一个选择.通过搜索此站点,我注意到 SubSonic 2.0 能够在中等信任环境中工作.关于 3.0 我在网上找不到这个.

In June 2009 SubSonic 3.0 was released. Because I'm looking for an ORM solution for my website which is able to work in a medium trust environment this looks an option.From searching this site I noted that SubSonic 2.0 is able to work in a medium trust environment. With respect to 3.0 I could not find this on the web.

有人在中等信任环境(在 ISP)中使用 3.0 吗?什么是做和不做的问题.我在本地对此进行了简要测试,但引发了安全异常.在进一步实施之前,我想知道,因为我已经对 Nhibernate 一个中等信任的环境感到失望.

Does anyone has any experience yet with 3.0 in a medium trust environment (at an ISP)? And what are the do and don't issues. I tested this briefly locally but security exceptions were thrown. Before implementing any further this I would like to know because I was already disappointed by Nhibernate an a medium trust environment.


我想测试一下.我对 Active Record 的唯一问题是从数据上下文"对象中提取.每当我从 DBContext.TableNames 中提取并在中等信任度下使用 Where() 或 Count() 之类的函数时,它都会抛出 SecurityException.

I wanted to test this out. The only issue I had with Active Record was pulling from the 'data context' object. Anytime I pulled from DBContext.TableNames and used a function like Where() or Count() under medium trust, it would throw a SecurityException.

我能够成功地使用构造函数提取单行,并且我还能够使用 Active Record 保存和删除它们,而没有中等信任问题.

I was successfully able to pull single rows using the constructors, and I was also able to save and delete them using Active Record with no medium trust issues.


For the listing problem, I bugged it here. Feel free to add to it if you have anything.http://github.com/subsonic/SubSonic-3.0/issues/#issue/99

这篇关于SubSonic 3.0 - 中等信任度的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 17:49