我有一个用 ASP.NET 编写的 Web API,我通过 AngularJS $http
I have a Web API written in ASP.NET that I'm consuming via AngularJS $http
我在我的 AngularJS 工厂中启用了缓存如下,但每个请求仍然返回 200
的响应,从来没有 200(来自缓存)
或 304(每个请求我的意思是在同一页面上多次发出相同的 Web API 请求,重新访问我已经访问过的包含 Web API 请求的页面,刷新所述页面等).
I have enabled caching in my AngularJS factory as follows but every request still returns a response of
, never 200 (from cache)
or 304
(and by every request I mean making the same web api request numerous times on the same page, revisiting a page I've already visited that contains a Web API request, refreshing said page etc).
.factory('GoogleMapService', ['$http', function ($http) {
var googleMapService = {
getTags: function () {
// $http returns a promise, which has a 'then' function, which also returns a promise
return $http({ cache: true, dataType: 'json', url: '/api/map/GetTags', method: 'GET', data: '' })
.then(function (response) {
return response.data;
return googleMapService;
我是否遗漏了 AngularJS 方面的一些东西?或者这是一个 Web API 问题.还是两者兼而有之?
Am I missing something from the AngularJS side of things? Or is this a Web API problem. Or both?
原来这是一个 Web API 的事情.我忽略了一个事实,即响应标头明确指出缓存已禁用.
Turns out it was a Web API thing. I'd overlooked the fact that the response header clearly stated that caching was disabled.
在 Google Chrome 的网络"选项卡中查看的响应:
Response as viewed in the Network tab of Google Chrome:
根据进一步调查(如上图所示),Web API 控制器中禁用了缓存.甚至不支持在常规 MVC 控制器中使用的
Upon further investigation (and as seen in the image above), caching is disabled in Web API controllers. Even the
attribute, which is used in regular MVC controllers, isn't supported.
Luckily I found this blog:http://www.strathweb.com/2012/05/output-caching-in-asp-net-web-api/
which lead me to these two solutions:
我决定使用 CacheOutput,因为它允许我使用以下属性:
I decided to go with CacheOutput as it lets me use attributes like:
支持服务器 &客户端缓存.
which supports server & client side caching.
Or if I wanted to just use client-side caching I can use something like:
[CacheOutput(ClientTimeSpan = 100, ServerTimeSpan = 0)]
乍一看,CacheCow 的方法似乎更容易一些.如果需要,以后更容易重构.
Which seemed a little easier at first glance that CacheCow's approach. And easier to refactor out later if need be.
Now additional requests give me a
200 (from cache)
304 Not Modified
Problem solved! Hope this helps someone else.
这篇关于如何缓存 .NET Web API 请求(和使用 AngularJS $http)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!