我需要能够列出存储在表格中的所有附件。 我可以找到隐藏表作为附件字段的基础,但无法找到查询它的原因。
I need to be able to list all of the attachments stored in a table. I can find the hidden table that underlies the attachment field but cannot find a why to query it.
例如,如果隐藏表名为f_7C675382C9BE4393BE17C14BA232718D_AttachementField我希望能够执行:SELECT [FileName] FROM [f_7C675382C9BE4393BE17C14BA232718D_AttachementField]
For example, if the hidden table is named f_7C675382C9BE4393BE17C14BA232718D_AttachementField I would like to be able to execute: SELECT [FileName] FROM [f_7C675382C9BE4393BE17C14BA232718D_AttachementField]
MSysObjects表示类型为1,这是一个本地表。 但是,它设置了一些额外的标志,很难直接引用它。
MSysObjects says the type is 1 which is a local table. However, it has a few extra flags set that make it difficult to directly reference it.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.