Angular v4:我们是将数据存储在服务或组件中还是两者都存储?
Angular v4: Do we store data in a Service or the Component or both?
在查阅了很多教程,以及阅读了 Angular 的文档后,我对这个主题仍然不是很清楚.
After reviewing quite a few tutorials, as well as reading the documentation of Angular, I'm still not clear on this subject.
https://angular.io/tutorial/toh-pt2 Angular 的教程清楚地展示了数据存储在组件中.
https://angular.io/tutorial/toh-pt2 Angular's tutorial clearly shows data stored in the Component.
https://angular.io/guide/architecture#services Angular 的架构 > 服务部分显示具有数据数组的服务的代码(这是否正确?).
https://angular.io/guide/architecture#services Angular's Architecture > Services section shows code with the service having an array of data (is this proper?).
如果我们在组件中存储数据,我们会大量使用@Input 和@Output 在子组件之间移动数据(假设我们希望这些数据在前端),但是这会带来一个问题我们使用路由,我们需要从路由器出口加载的新组件来对我们的服务进行新调用,以承诺对我们的服务器进行 API 调用以保存数据.可能在这种情况下,我们会有 2 个组件保存相同的数据 - 但它们可能不匹配.
If we store data in Components, we would heavily used @Input and @Output to move data between child components (assuming we want this data in the front end), however this poses a problem when we use routing, we would need our new Component which loaded from the router-outlet to make a new call to our service for a promise to make the API call to our server to hold data. Possibly in this case we would have 2 components holding the same data - however they may not match.
If we store data in a Service, we would heavily use our Services to retrieve data, and manipulate data (assuming we want this data in the front end) this way our service holds 1 set of data, and each component may call on the service data at any time to get consistent data.
What is the proper way of storing data?Is one of the other not advised?
Generally speaking, you want to store data in a service if a lot of components use the same data. That way, it makes it extremely easy to access the same data from all different parts of your app. If one component modifies the data in the service, it will be modified for all the components that use the data which is usually very helpful. However, sometimes it is unnecessary if you only need to send data from one component to another, where one is a parent of the other. In this scenario, using input/output would be advised.
If you don't need to send the specific data between various components, then storing the data in a component is perfectly acceptable! Keep in mind that it will not be accessible from other components unless you use input/output.
这篇关于Angular v4:我们是将数据存储在服务中还是组件中,或者两者都存储?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!