我将开始一个新项目,我正在考虑使用JSF最新版本,但是我们的weblogic服务器版本是10.3,并且我不确定要在weblogic 10.3中部署JSF 2应用程序要遵循什么步骤?还想知道支持开发JSF2应用程序的IDE.目前,我正在使用weblogic 10g研讨会,但它不支持最新的JSF版本.
I am going to start working on a new project and I am considering to use JSF latest version but our weblogic server version is 10.3 and I am not sure what are all the steps to follow to deploy JSF 2 application in weblogic 10.3 And also would like to know the IDE which supports to develop JSF2 applications. Currently I am using weblogic 10g workshop but it doesnt support the latest JSF version.
Can someone tell me the steps to:
- 在Oracle Workshop/Netbeans 6.9.1中开发JSF 2应用程序
- 在Weblogic 10.3中部署JSF 2应用程序
- JSF 2.0至少需要一个Servlet 2.5容器(从理论上讲,您可以为Servlet 2.4破解它. .
- JSF 2.1至少需要一个Servlet 3.0容器.
- Weblogic 10.3.x是Servlet 2.5容器,因此JSF 2.1永远不会解决问题.
根据发行说明我是通过 Google 找到的,Weblogic 10.3是Servlet 2.5内置JSF 1.2的容器.按照我通过 Google 找到的博客 ,Weblogic 10.3.3附带了内置的JSF 2.0支持.该博客包含有关如何使Weblogic 10.3.3与JSF 2.0一起运行的详细信息.
As per the release notes which I found by Google, Weblogic 10.3 is a Servlet 2.5 container which ships with JSF 1.2 built in. As per this blog which I found by Google, Weblogic 10.3.3 ships with built in JSF 2.0 support. The blog contains detailed information about how to get Weblogic 10.3.3 running with JSF 2.0.
关于IDE,我不了解Oracle Workshop,但根据 Google ,Netbeans似乎已经从6.8版开始支持JSF 2.0.为了使JSF 2.0功能正常工作,您只需要确保web.xml
符合Servlet 2.5,并且faces-config.xml
符合JSF 2.0.
As to the IDE, I have no idea about Oracle Workshop, but according to Google, Netbeans seems to already support JSF 2.0 since version 6.8. In order to get JSF 2.0 features to work properly, you only have to ensure that the web.xml
complies with Servlet 2.5 and that the faces-config.xml
complies with JSF 2.0.
这篇关于在Weblogic 10.3中部署最新JSF版本的步骤的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!