在阅读了这个美丽的问题之后:为什么char []优于密码字符串?,我很好奇它如何应用于基于servlet的Web应用程序.假设您的用户界面有一些输入密码的字段,则可以使用request.getParameter("passwordFieldName")
After reading this beautiful question: Why is char[] preferred over String for passwords?, I'm curious as to how this applies to servlet based web applications. Say your UI has some input field for the password, the password will be retrievable with request.getParameter("passwordFieldName")
which returns a String
. Even if you then convert it to a char[]
, you have to wait for GC to clear the String
此外,我正在寻找用于密码哈希的许多加密/哈希库都具有类似checkPassword(plaintext, hashed)
,则返回true. .这样,即使您有char[]
,您仍然需要使用new String(char[])
Also, many of the Encryption/Hashing libraries I'm looking into using for password hashing have a method such as checkPassword(plaintext, hashed)
that takes two Strings and returns true if the entered plain text string gives a hash equal to hashed
. With this, even if you had a char[]
, you would still need to convert the array to a String with the new String(char[])
It seems to me like you can't really avoid having your password as a String for comparing it to its stored representation. If you are worried about attacks during that small window, how do you protect yourself?
This is an overreaction and really just "security theater". There is really no scenario in which having a long String as a password in a Java application would be at all desirable to an attacker. If a memory exhaustion attack is a concern, then don't use Strings anywhere.
话虽如此, CWE-521 指出密码必须具有最大大小.字符串实际上没有最大大小,使用char[x]
That being said CWE-521 states that passwords must have a max size. Strings don't really have a max size, and using a char[x]
is a good way of enforcing a max size.