


I am struggling with some simple algorithm which should make python guess the given number in as few guesses as possible. It seems to be running but it is extremely slow. What am I doing wrong. I have read several topics already concerning this problem, but can't find a solution. I am a beginner programmer, so any tips are welcome.

min = 1
max = 50

number = int(input(("please choose a number between 1 and 50: ")))

total = 0
guessed = 0

while guessed != 1:
    guess = int((min+max)/2)
    total += 1

    if guess == number:
        print("The number has been found in ",total," guesses!")
        guessed = 1
    elif guess > number:
        min = guess + 1
    elif guess < number:
        max = guess - 1



ps. I am aware the program does not check for wrong input ;)


您的逻辑是倒退的。您想降低 max ,而又想提高 min 当您猜得太低时。尝试以下操作:

Your logic is backwards. You want to lower the max when you guess too high and raise the min when you guess too low. Try this:

if guess == number:
    print("The number has been found in ",total," guesses!")
    guessed = 1
elif guess > number:
    max = guess - 1
elif guess < number:
    min = guess + 1


08-03 22:07