今天早上我一直在为我的项目工作。我完成了我在做什么,我推新的代码到git。现在,我去运行我的项目开始工作,索引视图不运行! / p>
a href =http://python.6.n6.nabble.com/It-s-magic-the-view-does-not-exist-for-django-but-it-worked-5-secondes-before- and-it-still-exists-td4695300.htmlrel =noreferrer>这是魔术的观点不存在于django,但它之前工作5秒,它仍然存在
python ./manage.py shell
>来自ism.views import index
This morning i have been working on my project. I finished what i was doing and i pushed new code to git.
Now, i went to run my project to start working on it and index view does not run!
Could not import ism.views.index. View does not exist in module ism.views.
This view ran without any kind of problem. All the project ran.
There is something more incredible. i tried and checked other views after main view (ism.views.index) failed and all of them worked, but not now! All the views ran correctly 10 seconds ago and now neither works. They spit the same error of main view.
I found searching around the Internet this related topic:
It's magic the view does not exist for django but it worked 5 secondes before and it still exist
But i have tried to remove original file (views.py in ism app) and to write it again, and the problem persist. The same with all the rest views.py.
Anyone knows something about this issue?
Thanks =)
Try doing a
python ./manage.py shell
and then importing the view that is giving you the problem. That might end up giving you more useful debugging information.
> from ism.views import index