我有一个UICollectionView并且当选择了一个项目,我想它动画全屏.因此它将从单元格的大小过渡到全屏,并成为UIViewController. Pinterest和Evernote都具有这种行为,点击单元格会将其转换为全屏视图控制器.
I have a UICollectionView and when an item is selected, I'd like it to animate full screen. So it would transition from the size of the cell to full screen and become a UIViewController. Pinterest and Evernote both have this behavior where tapping on a cell transitions the cell into a full screen view controller.
Are there any example of how this is done? I've searched several projects, but haven't found any illustrating on transitioning a cell to full screen view controller.
Pinterest在这里讨论: https://medium.com/@Pinterest_Engineering/behind-the-pins-building-pinterest-3-0-for-ios-100f57f6940
Pinterest discusses it here: https://medium.com/@Pinterest_Engineering/behind-the-pins-building-pinterest-3-0-for-ios-100f57f6940
It's not difficult to implement this transition. Just like the article said, they custom a transition to implement UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning protocol, nothing besides. You need to calculate the new size the position which imageView you tapped to animate. That's it.
This our two apps, all implement this similar transition effect by this method above.
https://itunes.apple.com /app/hua-ban-quan-qiu-you-mei-tu/id494813494?mt = 8
https://itunes.apple.com /app/mei-tu-sou-sou-wan-zhuan-wei/id781146829?mt = 8
几天前,我已经创建了这个回购.在Swift的帮助下,我几乎完成了一些小问题的过渡,这是我第一个基于Swift的实践演示项目.但是,如果您不是iOS开发人员的新生,并且要学习Swift BTW,就不难理解.我将完成并稍后修复错误.
I'd created this repo several days before. And with Swift, I almost finished this transition beside some little issue, this is my first practised demo project based Swift. But it's not hard to understand if you're not freshman in iOS dev and you'd learn Swift BTW. I'll finish it and fix the bugs later.
In real project it's more complex than the demo one, but with that, maybe you'd knew how to achieve this kind of transition.