

按照此 doc 中的步骤进行操作,我能够在以英文和中文设置的现有资源束文件中添加新属性.但我不知道如何保存此添加项.最初看起来不错.我几次单击保存"按钮,然后导航到新添加的条目之外.当我回来时,新密钥在那里,但是值不见了.查看磁盘上的文件,只有一个文件具有密钥,那里没有其他更改.我正在Windows 7上使用最新的Intellij.

By following the steps on this doc, I was able to add a new property in an existing resource bundle file set in English and Chinese. But I don't know how to save this addition. Initially, it seems good. I click the save button several times and then navigate away from the newly added entry. When I came back, the new key is there but the values are gone. Looking at the files on the disk, only one file has the key, no other changes there. I am using the latest Intellij on Windows 7.



It's a known bug in 2020.1 and 2020.1.1 releases.

自IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1起,已提供修复程序. 2 RC(内部版本201.7846.53),于2020年5月26日发布.

The fix is available since IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1.2 RC (build 201.7846.53), released on May 26, 2020.


08-20 12:11