


Another user submitted a pull request on my repository (e.g. myself/foorbar), by:

  1. 创建叉子(例如otheruser/foobar).
  2. 在她/他的叉子上进入一个分支(例如otheruser/foobar:patch).
  3. 在Github上打开拉取请求,启用允许维护者进行编辑".
  1. Creating a fork (e.g. otheruser/foobar).
  2. Committing to a branch on her/his fork (e.g. otheruser/foobar:patch).
  3. Opening a pull request on Github, enabling, "Allow edits from maintainers".

现在,我希望修改此拉取请求.以下 Github的读者,我:

Now I wish to amend this pull request. Following Github's reader, I:

  1. 克隆叉子:

  1. Cloned the fork:

cd forks
git clone https://github.com/otheruser/foobar.git

  • 检出了用于打开拉取请求的分支:

  • Checked out the branch used to open the pull request:

    cd foobar
    git checkout patch

  • 已进入分支机构.

  • Committed to the branch.

    git add -A
    git commit -m "Amendments"

  • 现在,我希望推送更改:

    Now I wish to push the changes:

    git push origin patch


    But Github prompts me for my username and password and then responds:

    remote: Invalid username or password.
    fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://github.com/otheruser/foobar.git/'




    You steps sound correct.


    Have you checked if the permission problem is really related to pushing to the other's repo? Your error message does sound like it may be related to wrong username / password.

    • 如果您使用相同的步骤来推送您的仓库-可以吗?
    • 您通常使用http://回购URL和用户名/密码吗?您是否尝试过使用git@ ... URL切换到SSH密钥过程(您可以在GitHub上使用克隆"或下载"按钮时进行切换).这样做的另一个好处是,使用ssh密钥可以使您的工作流程更加顺畅:您不必一直输入用户名/密码,可以使用密码保护SSH密钥,并在每个会话中输入一次密码.
    • If you use the same procedure to push to your repo - does it work?
    • Do you usually use http:// repo URL and username / password? Have you tried switching to SSH key procedure with git@ ... URL (You can switch when you use the clone or download button on GitHub). This has the additional advantage that it gives you a smoother workflow using your ssh key: You do not have to enter username / password all the time, you can protect SSH key with passphrase and enter passphrase once per session.


    08-03 17:35