本文介绍了向右移位运算符的怪异的行为(1>> 32)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




 的#include< cstdio>
#包括LT&; cstdlib>
#包括LT&;&stdint.h GT;INT美孚(INT A,INT B)
   返回>> b:
}INT栏(uint64_t中A,INT B)
   返回>> b:
}INT主(INT ARGC,字符** argv的)
    性病::法院LT&;< 富(1,32):<<富(1,32)所述;&下;的std :: ENDL;
    性病::法院LT&;< 酒吧(1,32):<<杆(1,32)所述;&下;的std :: ENDL;
    性病::法院LT&;< 1>> 32:&所述;&下; (1 GT;> 32)&所述;&下;的std :: ENDL; //这里的警告
    性病::法院LT&;< (int)的1 GT;>(INT)32:&所述;&下; ((int)的1 GT;>(int)的32)所述;&下;的std :: ENDL; //这里的警告    返回EXIT_SUCCESS;


 富(1,32):1 //应该是0(但我想我想的东西)
1>> 32:0
(int)的1 GT;> (INT)32:0


对此的灯光,将大大AP preciated!

当然有关,这里是 G ++ 给出:

 > G ++ -o测试TEST.CPP
TEST.CPP:20:36:警告:右移计数> =类型的宽度
TEST.CPP:21:56:警告:右移计数> =类型的宽度


这是有可能的的 CPU 的实际计算

  A>> (二%32)

;同时,1 >> 32是一个常数前pression,所以的编译的将折叠不断在编译时,莫名其妙地给了0。

由于标准(C ++ 98派5.8 / 1)指出,

there is no contradiction having foo(1,32) and 1>>32 giving different results.

On the other hand, in bar you provided a 64-bit unsigned value, as 64 > 32 it is guaranteed the result must be 1 / 2 = 0. Nevertheless, if you write

bar(1, 64);

you may still get 1.

Edit: The logical right shift (SHR) behaves like a >> (b % 32/64) on x86/x86-64 (Intel #253667, Page 4-404):

However, on ARM (armv6&7, at least), the logical right-shift (LSR) is implemented as (ARMISA Page A2-6)

(bits(N), bit) LSR_C(bits(N) x, integer shift)
    assert shift > 0;
    extended_x = ZeroExtend(x, shift+N);
    result = extended_x<shift+N-1:shift>;
    carry_out = extended_x<shift-1>;
    return (result, carry_out);

where (ARMISA Page AppxB-13)

ZeroExtend(x,i) = Replicate('0', i-Len(x)) : x

This guarantees a right shift of ≥32 will produce zero. For example, when this code is run on the iPhone, foo(1,32) will give 0.

These shows shifting a 32-bit integer by ≥32 is non-portable.

这篇关于向右移位运算符的怪异的行为(1&GT;&GT; 32)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-16 17:02