我目前正在使用 PyTorch 框架并试图理解外国代码.我遇到了索引问题,想打印列表的形状.
这样做的唯一方法(据 Google 告诉我)是将列表转换为 numpy 数组,然后使用 numpy.ndarray.shape() 获取形状.
I'm currently working with the PyTorch framework and trying to understand foreign code. I got an indices issue and wanted to print the shape of a list.
The only way of doing so (as far as Google tells me) is to convert the list into a numpy array and then getting the shape with numpy.ndarray.shape().
但是在尝试将我的列表转换为数组时,我得到了一个 ValueError: only one element tensors can be convert to Python scalars
But trying to convert my list into an array, I got a ValueError: only one element tensors can be converted to Python scalars
My List 是一个转换后的 PyTorch Tensor (list(pytorchTensor)
My List is a converted PyTorch Tensor (list(pytorchTensor)
) and looks somewhat like this:
[张量([[-0.2781, -0.2567, -0.2353, ..., -0.9640, -0.9855, -1.0069],
[-0.2781, -0.2567, -0.2353, ..., -1.0069, -1.0283, -1.0927],
[-0.2567, -0.2567, -0.2138, ..., -1.0712, -1.1141, -1.1784],
[-0.6640, -0.6425, -0.6211, ..., -1.0712, -1.1141, -1.0927],
[-0.6640, -0.6425, -0.5997, ..., -0.9426, -0.9640, -0.9640],
[-0.6640, -0.6425, -0.5997, ..., -0.9640, -0.9426, -0.9426]]), 张量([[-0.0769, -0.0980, -0.076 9, ..., -0.93959, -0.959, -0.9426]]-0.9808],
[-0.0559, -0.0769, -0.0980, ..., -0.9598, -1.0018, -1.0228],
[-0.0559, -0.0769, -0.0769, ..., -1.0228, -1.0439, -1.0859],
[-0.4973, -0.4973, -0.4973, ..., -1.0018, -1.0439, -1.0228],
[-0.4973, -0.4973, -0.4973, ..., -0.8757, -0.9177, -0.9177],
[-0.4973, -0.4973, -0.4973, ..., -0.9177, -0.8967, -0.8967]]), 张量([[-0.1313, -0.1313, -0.110 0, ..., -0.81132, -0.8967]]-0.8753],
[-0.1313, -0.1525, -0.1313, ..., -0.8541, -0.8966, -0.9391],
[-0.1100, -0.1313, -0.1100, ..., -0.9391, -0.9816, -1.0666],
[-0.4502, -0.4714, -0.4502, ..., -0.8966, -0.8966, -0.8966],
[-0.4502, -0.4714, -0.4502, ..., -0.8115, -0.8115, -0.7903],
[-0.4502, -0.4714, -0.4502, ..., -0.8115, -0.7690, -0.7690]])]
有没有办法在不将其转换为 numpy 数组的情况下获取该列表的形状?
Is there a way of getting the shape of that list without converting it into a numpy array?
您似乎有一个张量列表.对于每个张量,您可以看到它的 size()
(无需转换为列表/numpy).如果您坚持,您可以使用 numpy 将张量转换为 numpy 数组()
It seems like you have a list of tensors. For each tensor you can see its size()
(no need to convert to list/numpy). If you insist, you can convert a tensor to numpy array using numpy()
>> [t.size() for t in my_list_of_tensors]
返回一个 numpy 数组列表:
Returns a list of numpy arrays:
>> [t.numpy() for t in my_list_of_tensors]
在性能方面,最好避免将张量转换为 numpy 数组,因为这可能会导致设备/主机内存同步.如果您只需要检查张量的 shape
,请使用 size()
In terms of performance, it is always best to avoid casting of tensors into numpy arrays, as it may incur sync of device/host memory. If you only need to check the shape
of a tensor, use size()
这篇关于无法将列表转换为数组:ValueError:只有一个元素张量可以转换为 Python 标量的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!