I am doing library management. I have three tables which is for Issue books to student and renewal or return books
Issue has two table which is following
<pre lang="SQL">
Issueid Code Issuedate Student staff Remarks
1 ISC00 2010-09-17 00:00:00.000 18 0 ad
2 ISC02 2011-09-23 00:00:00.000 15 0
8 ISC08 2010-09-27 00:00:00.000 0 50 A
34 ISC034 2010-09-27 00:00:00.000 0 4 ad
35 ISC034 2010-09-27 00:00:00.000 0 4 ad
36 ISC034 2010-09-27 00:00:00.000 0 4 ad
detid Issueid Category bookid Qty Returnorrenewaldate Reserveid descr
119 65 1 1 3 2010-09-20 00:00:00.000 NULL ad
120 78 4 4 1 2010-09-22 00:00:00.000 NULL
121 78 9 4 1 2010-10-16 00:00:00.000 NULL gg
122 79 1 1 3 2010-10-30 00:00:00.000 NULL hhhghh
123 80 5 1 6 2010-10-02 00:00:00.000 NULL NULL
124 81 9 3 4 2010-09-20 00:00:00.000 NULL NULL
125 82 3 3 3 2010-10-10 00:00:00.000 NULL NULL
ReID ReCode ReDate StaffID StudentID IssueDetID BookID IsFurtherRenewalAllowed ReturrnDate Remarks CategoryID NumberOfTimeRenewed IsReturned
These are the columns of the Renewal table.
First of all when the students or staff get the books from the library their details or save itinto the tblissue and tblissuedetails. And then when the book is returned or renewal that datas are stored in tblrenewal table.
I want get the following column from that three tables for particular studentid or staffid. When i give the student or staffid it gets the list of all the books which is not returned and no of renewal from corresponding books if the extended date is greater than todays date display the fine amount. If the book is not renewal it gets the details from issue table only or it gets the details from issue and renewal table.
that is look like following
issueid issuecode renewalid renewalcode noofrenewals Extendeddate bookname fine
如果图书已经续订,它会显示最后一次续订,代码,Extendeddate正在计算上次续订日期到12和noofrenewals已经做了,如果它没有更新特定日期他们将收集罚款,这是一天罚款amt是50.所以我们计算howmany天* 50
If the book is not renewal renewalid and renewalcode is not must noofrenewal will be zero extended date is calculating add 12 from issuedate.
If the book is already renewal it it displays the last renewalid,code, Extendeddate is calculating from last renewaldate which is added to 12 and noofrenewals already made, if it is not renewal that particular date they will be collecting fine, that is one day fine amt is 50. So we calculating howmany days*50
How to get the details help me please?
I have try this
Declare @count as int
Declare @temptable1 as table
IssueID nvarchar(20),
IssueDetailsID nvarchar(20),
Issuecode nvarchar(20),
--RenewalId nvarchar(15),
Titlename nvarchar(max),
TitleID nvarchar(20),
IssueDate datetime,
Retdate datetime
Declare @temptable2 as table
IssueDetailsID bigint,
RenewalID nvarchar(20),
Renewalcode nvarchar(20),
RenewalDate datetime,
Titelname nvarchar(max),
TitleID nvarchar(20),
Isallowed bit,
ReturnDate datetime,
IsReturned bit,
NooftimeRenewal int
Declare @finaltable as table
IssueId bigint,
Issuedate datetime,
RenewalID bigint,
Renewaldate datetime,
Titlename nvarchar(max),
TitleID nvarchar(20),
Isallowed bit,
Returndate datetime,
IsReturned bit,
NooftimeRenewal int
insert into @temptable1
Select T1.IssueID,T2.IssueDetailsID,T1.IssueCode, T4.TitleName,T4.TitleID,T1.IssueDate,T2.ReturnorRenewalDate
from tblLibIssue T1
Left outer join tblLibIssueDetails T2 on T2.IssueID=T1.IssueID
Left outer join tblLibStock T3 on T3.StockID=T2.StockID
Left outer join tblLibTitle T4 on T4.TitleID=T2.StockId
where T1.StudentProfileID=18
Insert into @temptable2
select T1.IssueDetID,T1.RenewalID,T1.RenewalCode,T1.RenewalDate,T2.Titlename,T2.TitleID,T1.IsFurtherRenewalAllowed,T1.Returndate,
from tbllibrenewal T1
Left outer join tblLibStock T3 on T3.StockID=T1.StockId
Left outer join tblLibTitle T2 on T2.TitleID=T3.StockID
Where T1.StudentProfileID=18
Select * from @temptable1
Select * from @temptable2
Select t1.issueid,t1.issuedetailsid,t1.titlename,t1.titleid,t1.issuedate,t1.retdate,
t2.renewalid,t2.renewaldate,(Select renewaldate from @temptable2 where issuedetailsid having max(issueddetailsid) group by t1.issueid),(select count(*) from @temptable2 group by t1.issuedetailsid)
from @temptable1 t1
left outer join @temptable2 t2 on t1.issuedetailsid=t2.issuedetailsid
but error occured select renewal date which is recently renewaled
(select count(1) from @temptable2 t3 where t1.issuedetailsid=t3.issuedetailsid)