本文介绍了Sequelize:多个 where 子句的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



文章 - 用户 - 标签 - 关注者 - 订阅

Article - User - Tag - Followers - Suscribes

文章属于用户(fk:文章表中的 userId)

Article belongs to User (fk: userId in Article table)

文章可以有很多标签.这是生成的 tagarticle 表:

Article can have many tag. Here is the generated tagarticle table:


和 Suscribes 表:

And the Suscribes table:


A user can follow many users and suscribe to a country(payId), a tag or an article(for notifications).


How to query all articles of followed users and suscribed country or tag for a specific user?


我假设您询问 Sequelize 执行查询的方式.我不确定我是否正确理解你的问题.您正在寻找两个查询:

I assume that you ask about Sequelize way of doing the query.I am not sure if I understand your question correctly. You are looking for two queries:

  • 查询关注用户的所有文章,
  • 查询特定用户订阅的国家/地区/标签/文章,


Let me start with the associations made between the models.

// in User model definition
User.belongsToMany(User, { as: 'Followers', through: 'Followers', foreignKey: 'userId', otherKey: 'followId' });
User.hasMany(Subscribe, { foreignKey: 'userId' });
User.hasMany(Article, { foreignKey: 'userId' });


With use of above association we are now able to query all articles of followed users

models.User.findByPrimary(1, {
    include: [
            model: models.User,
            as: 'Followers',
            include: [ models.Article ]
    // here you have user with his followers and their articles


Above query would generate result similar to

    id: 1,
    Followers: [
            id: 4,
            Articles: [
                    id: 1,
                    title: 'article title' // some example field of Article model


If you want to query country/tag/article subscribed by specific user, you would have to make another associations in Subscribe model

// in Subscribe model definition
Subscribe.belongsTo(Tag, { foreignKey: 'tagId' });
Subscribe.belongsTo(Article, { foreignKey: 'articleId' });
Subscribe.belongsTo(Country, { foreignKey: 'payId' });


Now we have all the associations required to perform the second query you asked for

models.User.findByPrimary(1, {
    include: [
            model: models.Subscribe,
            include: [ models.Tag, models.Country, models.Article ]
    // here you get user with his subscriptions

在这个例子中,你通过 user.Subscribes 获取用户的所有订阅,这将具有嵌套的属性 TagCountry 和 .如果用户订阅了 Tag,则 CountryArticle 在这种情况下都将是 NULL.

In this example you get user with all his subscriptions accessed via user.Subscribes, which will have nested attributes Tag, Country and Article. If user subscribed to Tag, both Country and Article would be NULL in this case.

这篇关于Sequelize:多个 where 子句的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 04:37