本文介绍了[PHP]试图理解用于构建帐户数据的端点(v9 + OAuth)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在与工具提供商(非代理商或直接广告客户)合作,以使用V9 Bing Ads平台。这是我第一次与Bing合作,但我已经与Google AdWords建立了一个几乎相同的产品。

I am working with as a Tool Provider (not an agency nor a direct advertiser) to use the V9 Bing Ads platform. This is my first foray with Bing, but I've built a near identical product with Google AdWords.


I have managed so far to:

  1. 通过OAuth2对用户进行身份验证(获取访问/身份验证/刷新令牌集)
  2. 获取有关当前登录用户的信息(CustomerManagement / GetUser)
  3. 使用搜索功能查找已知用户(CustomerManagement / SearchCustomers)


But that doesn't fit our workflow. I essentially want to be able for a user to:

  1. 通过OAuth授予我们的申请许可
  2. 从可能的广告帐户列表中选择它们已连接(与AdWords中的MCC帐户类似)
  3. 保存这些特定客户详细信息+在我们的数据库中对其令牌的引用,以便进行后续API调用
  4. 代表他们的客户。

我坚持的部分是第2项。 如何获取给定OAuth令牌的所有可能广告客户的列表,而不了解他们的帐户结构(或他们希望选择谁)?

The part that I'm stuck on is Item #2. How do I obtain a list all possible advertising customers for a given OAuth token without knowing anything at all about their account structure (or who they wish to select)?


使用客户管理(或其他Bing Ads服务)与OAuth进行身份验证没有什么特别之处。获得OAuth访问令牌后,您只需使用该令牌而不是用户名/密码来验证API调用。

There's nothing special about authenticating with OAuth as it relates to using the CustomerManagement (or other Bing Ads services). Once you've acquired an OAuth access token, you're just using that instead of a username/password to authenticate API calls.

本技术指南介绍了Bing Ads客户管理API:

This technical guide explains the Bing Ads Customer Management API:




Please let me know if you have any specific questions not answered there.


这篇关于[PHP]试图理解用于构建帐户数据的端点(v9 + OAuth)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

11-02 21:21