的jQuery 1.2.6
jQuery v1.2.6
jQuery.autocompleter插件V1.1 pre(从jQuery的网站)
jQuery.autocompleter plugin v1.1pre (from jQuery's website)
I am not able to submit with 'type: "POST"' back to my webservice. I can't get it to be recognized by the autocompleter. Thoughts?
这code以下工作得很好,只要我认准Q查询字符串。但是,我想通过传递更多的PARAMS使用这个在未来更先进的功能,并且将AP preciate怎么回发使用autocompleter。
This code below works fine, as long as I look for the "q" querystring. But, I would like to use this for more advanced features in the future by passing more params, and would appreciate how to post back using the autocompleter.
I am aware of the extraParams option. But, those are extra parameters that get submitted via GET or POST (if we can get POST working). It doesn't change it to submit as a POST.
$(function() {
delay: 5,
minChars: 1,
matchSubset: 1,
matchContains: 1,
cacheLength: 10,
autoFill: false,
dataType: 'json',
parse: function(data) {
var rows = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
rows[i] = {
data: data[i]
, value: data[i].Data
, result: data[i].Name
return rows;
formatItem: function(row, i, n) {
return row.Name;
}).result(function(event, row) {
processSelection(this, row.Data);
I tried adding the option for POST, like noted in the code sample below. But it still submits as a GET.
delay: 5,
minChars: 1,
matchSubset: 1,
matchContains: 1,
cacheLength: 10,
autoFill: false,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
任何帮助是AP preciated。
Any help is appreciated.
PS, lots of this is undocumented, and was a PITA to figure out after trial and error. Thank goodness for Firebug.
- 从web服务接收回JSON
- 自动完成无法处理原生JSON,所以我必须把它解析到我自己的数组中。
- 既然我现在回传一个自定义的数组对象,则需要formatItem为了处理新的数组对象展示的目的被覆盖。
- 最后钱拍摄,我想在用户选择一个行(鼠标点击或TAB或ENTER键)之后处理该行上的额外的数据。我这样做的结果是()的委托。
I really hope the above code helps others in the future figure out the autocompleter as well. Give me a Vote Up if it does.
提示:属性名数据[I]。数据和数据[I] .Name点是JSON属性名
Tip: The property names data[i].Data and data[i].Name are the JSON property names.
在这个时候(Autocompleter 1.1 pre),没有办法得到它后不改变插件的code
At this time (Autocompleter 1.1pre), there isn't a way to get it to post without changing the plugin's code.
I just left it submitting querystrings for now. Thank you all for answered, I upped the vote.
这篇关于你如何使用POST使用jQuery Autocompleter?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!