模板< class T,size_t ... Dimensions>
struct MultiDimArray {/ * ... * /}
后编译示例很好,但我没有得到它使用函数模板。 p>
int max(int n){return n; } // end condition
template< int ... N> //替换int ...用typename ...工作
int max(int n,N ... rest)//!错误:未知类型名称'N'
int tmp = max(rest ...);
return n< tmp? tmp:n;
#include< iostream>
int main()
std :: cout< max(3,1,4,2,5,0)<< std :: endl;
您可以 可能在函数中使用可变非非类型模板,但不能作为(非模板) )arguments: template< int N,int ... Rest>
int max()
int tmp = max return N< tmp? tmp:N;
std :: cout<< max< 3,1,4,2,5,0>()< std :: endl;
...虽然我没有测试过,但我不确定 >这应该工作,因为你需要有一个部分专业化作为基础案例。你可以通过分派到一个部分专用的结构来解决这个问题:
template< int N,int ... Rest&
struct max_t {
static int const value = max_t< Rest ...> :: value> N? max_t< Rest ...> :: value:N;
template< int N>
struct max_t< N> {
static int const value = N;
template< int ... NS>
int max()
return max_t< NS ...> :: value;
I saw a blog post which used non-type variadic templates (currently not supported by gcc, only by clang).
template <class T, size_t... Dimensions>
struct MultiDimArray { /* ... */ };
The example in the post compiles fine but I failed to get it to work with function templates.
Can anyone help figuring out the correct syntax (if such exists)?
int max(int n) { return n; } // end condition
template <int... N> // replacing int... with typename... works
int max(int n, N... rest) // !! error: unknown type name 'N'
int tmp = max(rest...);
return n < tmp? tmp : n;
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << max(3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 0) << std::endl;
You are simply confusing type names and non-type names. What you want simply doesn’t work.
You can probably use variadic non-type templates in functions, but not as (non-template) arguments:
template <int N, int... Rest>
int max()
int tmp = max<Rest...>();
return N < tmp ? tmp : N;
std::cout << max<3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 0>() << std::endl;
… although I haven’t tested this and I’m not sure how this should work given that you need to have a partial specialisation as the base case. You could solve this by dispatching to a partially specialised struct:
template <int N, int... Rest>
struct max_t {
static int const value = max_t<Rest...>::value > N ? max_t<Rest...>::value : N;
template <int N>
struct max_t<N> {
static int const value = N;
template <int... NS>
int max()
return max_t<NS...>::value;
This will work.
这篇关于非类型可变函数模板在C ++ 11的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!