我刚刚发布了这个问题 ,我不会在post请求中发送数组,但在jQuery代码中没有问题。
I just posted this question jQuery - passing arrays in post request, where I don't to send arrays in post request, but there is no problem in jQuery code.
The problem is with receiving the POST request in django. I did like this.
def portfolio_add(request):
ukeys = request.POST.getlist('ukeys')
但是我得到了ukeys的价值为 u'[]'
。当我检查只有 request.POST
我得到的值为 u< QueryDict:{u'ukeys []':[u'68c04 ',u'16149']}>
But I'm getting ukeys values as u'[]'
. When I checked with just request.POST
I got the values as u"<QueryDict: {u'ukeys[]': [u'68c04', u'16149']}>"
So, How to get those values as a list in Django?
jQuery POST的数组与 ]
后缀,因为PHP和一些Web框架了解该约定,并在服务器端自动重新构建阵列。 Django不会这样工作,但您应该可以通过以下方式访问数据:
jQuery POST's arrays with the []
suffix because PHP and some web frameworks understand that convention, and re-build the array on the server-side for you automatically. Django doesn't work that way, but you should be able to access the data via:
ukeys = request.POST.getlist('ukeys[]')
这篇关于django - getlist()的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!