我想使用YouTube API来执行基于浏览器的上传,而且还使用Ajax用于显示进度条的目的。
I am trying to use the YouTube API to perform a browser-based upload, but also use Ajax for the purpose of showing a progress bar.
It works 100% if I just use the basic HTML form post.
<form id="frmYouTube" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="https://uploads.gdata.youtube.com/action/FormDataUpload/YOUTUBE_URL_HERE?nexturl=https%3a%2f%2fdomain%2fpageafter%2fVideoUploadDone%3fid2%3dLOCAL_ID">
<td><input type="file" name="file" /></td>
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="YOUTUBE_TOKEN_HERE" />
<input type="submit" value="Upload" />
但是,如果我尝试添加一些JavaScript我遇到一个问题。我还包括MooTools的和Request.File类从 http://mootools.net/forge/p/ form_upload 。
Here is a simplified version of the code:
var yt = $('frmYouTube');
var ytDone = function () {
// Code to display: 'Video upload complete. Return to <a href="/Acount">your account</a>.';
var ytProgress = function (event, xhr) {
var loaded = event.loaded, total = event.total;
// Code to display: 'Uploading... ' + (parseInt(loaded / total * 100, 10)) + '%';
yt.addEvents({ 'submit': function (ev) {
var rf = new Request.File({
url: yt.get('action'),
onProgress: ytProgress,
onFailure: function (xhr) {
ytError('Upload Failed (1).');
onCancel: function () {
ytError('Upload Canceled.');
onException: function () {
ytError('Upload Failed (2).');
onSuccess: ytDone
yt.getElements('input').each(function (field) {
if (field.files) {
rf.append(field.get('name'), field.files[0]);
} else {
rf.append(field.get('name'), field.get('value'));
At this point the file gets uploaded successfully, and YouTube returns a 302 redirect to my "nexturl," but because of cross-origin rules the redirect is not followed and I can not access the location header using Javascript.
I've seen a few solutions that involved iframes, but that won't work if you want a progress bar. Has anyone come up with a work-around to do browser based uploads to YouTube and show a progress bar.
基于浏览器上传的方法不支持CORS。这个问题是这里报道。 CORS支持的V3,但你没有一个基于浏览器的上传方法在那里。只是某种OAuth的东西。基本上你需要问用户注册YouTube,然后回到你的网站/应用程序,让您的权限和上传视频对他的YouTube帐户,然后上传视频。有没有办法可以让浏览器客户端上传的视频上使用V3 API您的YouTube帐户。
这篇关于基于浏览器的YouTube API上传与阿贾克斯的进度条的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!