I have a layout set up for one of my pages that is then seeded with a ton of little views that I use to populate with date. My states currently looks like so:
.state('eventLayout', {
templateUrl: 'partials/layouts/event.html',
controller: 'EventCtrl',
.state('event', {
parent: 'eventLayout',
url: '/event/{eventUrl}',
views: {
'event.video': {
templateUrl: 'partials/views/event.video.html'
'event.info': {
templateUrl: 'partials/views/event.info.html'
'card.event': {
templateUrl: 'partials/views/card.event.html'
'card.clip': {
templateUrl: 'partials/views/card.clip.html'
'card.upcoming': {
templateUrl: 'partials/views/card.upcoming.html'
'card.banner': {
templateUrl: 'partials/views/card.banner.html'
'card.comment': {
templateUrl: 'partials/views/card.comment.html'
'card.notification': {
templateUrl: 'partials/views/card.notification.html'
'card.cube': {
templateUrl: 'partials/views/card.cube.html'
'card.mix': {
templateUrl: 'partials/views/card.mix.html'
'card.score': {
templateUrl: 'partials/views/card.score.html'
'card.sponsor': {
templateUrl: 'partials/views/card.sponsor.html'
'card.nobroadcasters': {
templateUrl: 'partials/views/card.nobroadcasters.html'
'card.link': {
templateUrl: 'partials/views/card.link.html'
'card.suggest': {
templateUrl: 'partials/views/card.suggest.html',
controller: 'SuggestblockCtrl'
'card.footer': {
templateUrl: 'partials/views/card.footer.html'
如您所见,父布局包含名为 EventCtrl 的页面的控制器.现在我希望所有视图现在都可以访问这个控制器,但事实并非如此.相反,我必须将 eventLayout 中的主要父模板包装在一个 div 中,然后我只使用老派:
As you can see the parent layout holds my Controller for the page which is called EventCtrl . Now I would expect that all the views now have access to this controller, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Instead I have to wrap the main parent template from eventLayout in a div where I then just use the old school:
<div ng-controller="EventCtrl"></div>
I'd like to at least understand why this is happeneing and what the proper method is to make sure all views have access to the states main controller. Thanks!
To add more context to how im using the views in my current app I have detailed the current set-up below.
来自父 $state eventLayout
From the file partials/layouts/event.html in parent $state eventLayout
<div ng-controller="EventCtrl">
<div ui-view="event.video"></div>
<div ng-repeat="activity in activities.results">
<div ng-if="activity.card_type == 'event'" ui-view="card.event"></div>
<div ng-if="activity.card_type == 'clip'" ui-view="card.clip"></div>
<div ng-if="activity.card_type == 'upcoming'" ui-view="card.upcoming"></div>
如您所见,视图嵌套在父布局中.我必须用 ng-controller="EventCtrl" 将其全部包装起来,以允许每个视图访问其范围.
As you can see a views are nested within the parent layout. I'm having to wrap it all with ng-controller="EventCtrl" in order to allow each view access to its scope.
整体 Angular 的 ui-router 设计,是关于 view/$scope 继承 - 而不是基本控制器的可访问性.详细信息可以在这里找到:
The overall angular's ui-router design, is about the view / $scope inheritance - not base controller accesibility. The detailed info could be found here:
您完全有可能拥有嵌套状态,其模板在您的站点内的各种非嵌套位置填充 ui-views.在这种情况下,您不能期望在子状态的视图中访问父状态视图的范围变量...
It is entirely possible that you have nested states whose templates populate ui-views at various non-nested locations within your site. In this scenario you cannot expect to access the scope variables of parent state views within the views of children states...
Also these are good reading, which content would be hardly any better explained here:
- AngularJS 继承模式 by Minko格切夫
- AngularJS - 第 3 部分,继承 作者:Gabriel Schenker
- AngularJS Inheritance Patterns by Minko Gechev
- AngularJS–Part 3, Inheritance by Gabriel Schenker
So, let's summarize a bit.
1) 我们知道,从任何模板我们只能访问它自己的 $scope
2) 视图/模板 $scope 中可用的是它的 Controller
3) 如果任何父控制器(从视图嵌套的角度) 将任何东西注入它自己/父范围 - 我们也可以访问它(所谓的原型继承)
1) We know, that from any template we can access only its own $scope
2) What is available in the view/template $scope, is a job of its Controller
which can extend it with some functions, objects, etc.
3) If any parent controller (from view-nesting perspective) will inject anything into its own/parent scope - we will have access to it as well (so called prototypical inheritance)
有了这个,我们可以在父 $scope 中创建一个 Events
对象,由 EventCtrl
管理 - 并在任何子视图模板中使用它:
Having this, we can create an Events
object in the parent $scope, managed by EventCtrl
- and consume it in any a child view template:
// the reference (reference to object Events)
// to be shared accross all child $scopes
$scope.Events = {};
// objects
$scope.Events.MyModel = { FirstName: "....
// functions
$scope.Events.save = function () {....
And now in any child template we can use it like this
另一种技术是将控制器放入 $scope 的 Events 对象中:
Another technique would be to place the controller into $scope's Events object:
$scope.Events = this; // controller
And then have full access to controller's methods, properties...