本文介绍了Node JS匿名函数和回调的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Someone please help me. I have been reading a lot of javascript documentation and fiddling with javascript.


I am able to use the functions but I don't quite get this essential syntactic jazz going on here

          var http = require('http');
          http.createServer(function (req, res) {
                 res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
                 res.end('Hello World\n');
          }).listen(1337, 'myhost');

          console.log('Server running at http://myhost:1337/');


I cant figure out why its okay to use req and res in the anonymous function above. It's like they live somewhere inside of http. They are not declared anywhere! They are made up variable names in an anonymous function that reference inner objects or something. It's crazy.



          stream.on('data', function(data){
                //  use data... i dont know where its coming from
                //  or how it got there, but use it


If you could post a small example that mimics this process and syntax or explain how these callback functions can work like this or how I can pass these undeclared variables into functions like this I would greatly appreciate it.


A similar example to the answer posted below.

     var b = {
           somefunction : function( data ){
                 var x = 100;
                 x = x+1;        // 101

                 return data(x); // returns the callback function data w/ value x

           foo++;                // 101 + 1
           console.log(foo);     // prints 102



The main issue is that Javascript is a functional language so you can pass functions as parameters to other functions. In other languages you may have experienced passing a pointer or handle to a function, for example. Consider a simple cases in which you have some math functions:

function add(a,b) {return (a+b)};
function subtract(a,b) {return (a-b)}:


Now I could create a new function:

function longWayAroundTheBarn(num1,num2,theFunc)
    // invoke the passed function with the passed parameters
    return theFunc(num1,num2);



> 3



> 4


Obviously this would be a silly use callbacks, but you can imagine generally that the ability to 'plug-in' a function this way can be pretty powerful.


Consider if you couldn't pass functions. This might be one way you would implement this:

function reallyLongWayAround(num1,num2,funcName)
        return add(num1 ,num2);
    else if (funcName === 'subtract')
        return subtract(num1, num2);

你可以想象,除了必须编写和维护真正乏味的代码之外,它还不是那么强大,因为 reallyLongWayAround 函数只能永远调用它知道的代码。通过传递函数,我的 longWayAroundTheBarn 并不关心我是否创建新函数并将其传递给它。请注意,由于键入较弱,它甚至不需要关心它传递的参数。也许你想实现类似

You can imagine that besides being really tedious code to have to write and maintain, it's not nearly so powerful because the reallyLongWayAround function could only ever call code it knew about. By passing functions, my longWayAroundTheBarn doesn't care if I create new functions and pass it to it. Note that because of weak typing, it doesn't even need to care about the parameters it is passing. Maybe you want to implement something like

 function businessDaysBetween(d1,d2)
     // implementation left as a reader exercise


longWayAroundTheBarn(new Date(2014,1,15), new Date(2014,1,22),businessDaysBetween)

回到你提出的具体案例, req res 不是'局部变量',如一个答案所示 - 它们被称为参数或参数。你没有把任何东西传递给他们。它们由调用函数传递给您。如果你愿意,你实际上可以称它们为 fred barney ,尽管这可能是一个糟糕的主意。重点是它们将被调用填充请求和响应对象。

Returning to the specific case you raised, req and res are not 'local variables' as one answer indicates - they are called parameters or arguments. You aren't passing anything into them. They are being passed to you by the calling function. You could actually call them fred and barney if you wanted, although it would be a terrible idea. The main point is that they will be called populated with request and response objects.


You actually don't even have to have the parameters in your function signature, you could just have a callback as below, and make use of the second parameter passed to your function by reading the arguments array (Note, it's not actually an array but behaves similarly in many respects). This would be a terrible, terrible idea, but again, trying to illustrate the point.

      var http = require('http');
      http.createServer(function () {
             arguments[1].writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
             arguments[1].end('Hello World\n');
      }).listen(1337, 'myhost');

这篇关于Node JS匿名函数和回调的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 23:22