我知道你可以在技术上刚刚通过的PHP文件,并使用 require_once
I know you can technically make PHP extension just by making a PHP file and using require_once
但是,如果你写了C或C ++的扩展,将优化性能。
But would it optimize the performance if you wrote an extension in C or C++.
If so, how would you make a "hello-world" for that?
您可以将单独的C / C ++程序到你的PHP站点只需执行它和输出传递到浏览器。至于真正的操作系统间,它不值得你花时间写包含站点特定功能的库。这简直就不是做,除了与其他现有库(MySQL的,ImageMagick的,等等)进行连接。
You can incorporate a stand-alone C/C++ program into your PHP site simply by executing it and passing the output to the browser. As far as truly inter-operating, it's not worth your time to write a library containing site-specific functionality. This simply isn't done except to interface with other existing libraries (MySQL, imagemagick, etc).
Programming for the web isn't like application development. Optimizing bits of your code by writing them in "faster" languages (analogous to writing small, tight looping bits of your C++ program in assembly) isn't worth the development time. You're better off keeping your application easily maintainable, this is why scripting languages dominate the web.