我已经看到了这个在这里和其他地方的许多部分答案,但我非常新手codeR,我希望能进行一次彻底的解决方案。我已经能够建立记录从一台笔记本电脑麦克风音频输入Chrome Canary版和可以使用recorder.js,相对轻松地设置录制.wav文件并保存在本地的,一拉(五29.x):
I've seen many partial answers to this here and elsewhere, but I am very much a novice coder and am hoping for a thorough solution. I have been able to set up recording audio from a laptop mic in Chrome Canary (v. 29.x) and can, using recorder.js, relatively easily set up recording a .wav file and saving that locally, a la:
But I need to be able to save the file onto a Linux server I have running. It's the actual sending of the blob recorded data to the server and saving it out as a .wav file that's catching me up. I don't have the requisite PHP and/or AJAX knowledge about how to save the blob to a URL and to deal, as I have been given to understand, with binaries on Linux that make saving that .wav file challenging indeed. I'd greatly welcome any pointers in the right direction.
客户端JavaScript函数上传WAV BLOB:
Client side JavaScript function to upload the WAV blob:
function upload(blob) {
var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onload=function(e) {
if(this.readyState === 4) {
console.log("Server returned: ",e.target.responseText);
var fd=new FormData();
PHP文件 upload_wav.php
// get the temporary name that PHP gave to the uploaded file
// rename the temporary file (because PHP deletes the file as soon as it's done with it)
之后就可以播放的文件 /tmp/uploaded_audio.wav
但要记住! /tmp/uploaded_audio.wav
由用户 WWW的数据
But remember! /tmp/uploaded_audio.wav
was created by the user www-data
, and (by PHP default) is not readable by the user. To automate adding the appropriate permissions, append the line