

我知道有很多问题:如何以编程方式打开设置应用程序?答案是大不了。我知道Apple不支持在iOS 5.0之后从任何其他应用程序打开设置。

I know there are many questions: "How to open setting app programatically?" and the answer is "BIG NO". I know that Apple does not support opening Settings from any other app after iOS 5.0.

但是有些应用程序如MapMyFitness可以打开设置,它们可以在App Store已获Apple批准。如果蓝牙已关闭,MapMyFitness将打开蓝牙设置。我在iOS 6和iOS 5.1中检查过这个。

But there are some apps like MapMyFitness which can open Settings, and they are available in the App Store and have been approved by Apple. MapMyFitness opens the Bluetooth settings if Bluetooth is turned off. I have checked this in iOS 6 and iOS 5.1.


I want to know how can these apps are able to open Settings legally and bypassed Apple security because as per my information there is no legal way to do it?


应用程序无法打开特定屏幕的设置应用程序。像MapMyFitness这样的应用程序打开首选项的原因是因为他们要求使用Bluetooth Low Energy的许可。请求权限由 CBCentralManager 首次使用时。

Apps cannot open the settings application to a specific screen. The reason that apps like MapMyFitness open preferences is because they ask for permission to use Bluetooth Low Energy. Asking for permission is managed by CBCentralManager on first usage.


This is also the class that knows if Bluetooth is turned on or off. It will show an alert automatically with an option to go into settings to turn bluetooth on.


A similar popup will be shown when using location services.


These popups are shown automatically by the system framework. The message can be customized using the purpose property for location services, that is not possible in case of Bluetooth.


No private API was used for this, so there's no reason for the app to be rejected.

