Is there a way to edit Xcode's built-in snippets? There is an edit button, but pressing it doesn't seem to allow changing the snippet's text.
Any insight is appreciated.
You still can't edit the built-in system snippets. You can, however, edit "user" snippets.
在我看来,最简单的解决方案是创建所有默认代码段的副本,但对其进行修改,使其成为用户代码段并覆盖默认版本。我写了一些Python脚本来完成这项工作。这非常简单,运行完所有Xcode的代码段后,即可通过Xcode GUI进行神奇的编辑。无需手动在plist中进行修改:
The simplest solution in my mind was to create copies of all the default snippets, but modify them so that they are "user" snippets and override the default versions. I wrote a little Python script to do the job. It's very simple, and after running it all of Xcode's snippets will be magically editable via the Xcode GUI. No need to go mucking around in the plist by hand:
import plistlib
import os.path
# Create user snippet directory if needed.
user_snippet_path = os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/CodeSnippets")
except OSError, err:
if err.errno != errno.EEXIST or not os.path.isdir(user_snippet_path):
# Important, you'll need to quit and restart Xcode to notice the effects.
# Important, change this if you're on a Developer Preview of Xcode.
system_snippet_path = "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/PlugIns/IDECodeSnippetLibrary.ideplugin/Contents/Resources/SystemCodeSnippets.codesnippets"
print("Reading snippets from " + system_snippet_path)
plist = plistlib.readPlist(system_snippet_path)
for entry in plist:
# Create a new user snippet file with modified
# contents of the original snippet. Ignore paths that
# already contain a user snippet to prevent overwriting
# previously generated snippets.
snippet_id = entry["IDECodeSnippetIdentifier"]
snippet_path = user_snippet_path + "/" + snippet_id + ".codesnippet"
if os.path.exists(snippet_path):
print(snippet_path + " already exitsts: Skipping.")
print("Writing " + snippet_path)
# Marks the snippet as a user snippet. Xcode will
# crash if a user snippet and a system snippet share
# the same identifier.
entry["IDECodeSnippetUserSnippet"] = True
# Given two snippets with the same identifier,
# Xcode will only show the snippet with the higher
# "version number". This effectively hides the
# default version of the snippet.
entry["IDECodeSnippetVersion"] += 1
plistlib.writePlist(entry, snippet_path)
print("Done writing snippets.")
You'll notice that it doesn't actually change any of Xcode's internal files. It just adds files, and Xcode is smart enough to use the added files instead of the original snippets. You can roll back to the originals at any time by simply deleting the user version of the snippet. You can also run the script as many times as you want without worrying about overwriting any user snippets generated by previous runs of the script.