我在 Ubuntu 14.04 上构建 PyQt5 时遇到了一些问题.我正在处理一些严重依赖 Python 2.7 的代码;所以,我无法使用 Ubuntu 存储库中的 python3 包.进一步搜索 Ubuntu 的软件包显示 Python 2 pyqt5 有 dev 和 doc 软件包.但是,无需安装编写代码所需的库.
I am having some problems building PyQt5 on Ubuntu 14.04. I am working with some code that has a hard dependency on Python 2.7; so, I am unable to use the python3 packages from Ubuntu's repository. Further searches of Ubuntu's packages reveal that there are dev and doc packages for Python 2 pyqt5. But, nothing to install the libraries necessary to write code.
这促使我为 PyQt5 创建了一个自定义构建.我从这里获得了 5.5 版的源代码:https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/download5 并且我正在使用 Ubuntu 存储库提供的 sip(安装 kubuntu-desktop 需要 sip).
This has led me to creating a custom build for PyQt5. I obtained the source for version 5.5 from here: https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/download5 and I am using sip as provided by the Ubuntu repos (installation of kubuntu-desktop requires sip).
我读到 sip 版本很容易不匹配,所以我做了以下检查:
I read that its easy to have mismatched versions of sip so I did the following check:
Python 2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13)
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sip
>>> print(sip, sip.SIP_VERSION_STR)
(<module 'sip' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sip.so'>, '4.16.9')
$ sip -V
此外,我正在使用 Ubuntu 存储库提供的 Qt5 工具.这包括安装 qtdeclarative5-*(可能是矫枉过正)和 qt5-default.以下是有关 qmake 的一些信息:
Also I am using the Qt5 tools provided by the Ubuntu repos. This included installing qtdeclarative5-* (probably overkill) and qt5-default. Here is some information about qmake:
qmake --version
QMake version 3.0
Using Qt version 5.2.1 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
我目前已经安装了 PyQt4 并阅读了安装说明,只要它们都是针对相同版本的 sip 编译的就可以了.
I currently have PyQt4 installed and read on the installation notes that this would be fine as long as they were both compiled against the same version of sip.
下载后,我解压了 tarball 并尝试构建如下:
After downloading, I unpacked the tarball and attempted a build as follows:
sudo ln -s /usr/include/python2.7 /usr/local/include/python2.7
python configure.py --sip-incdir=/usr/include/python2.7/
配置输出似乎识别了正确版本的 sip,我从 make 中得到以下(看似)与 sip 相关的编译错误:
The configuration output appeared to identify the correct version of sip and I get the following (seemingly) sip related compile errors from make:
make[1]: Entering directory `~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit'
g++ -c -m64 -pipe -fno-exceptions -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -fPIC -DSIP_PROTECTED_IS_PUBLIC -Dprotected=public -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_PLUGIN -DQT_WEBKIT_LIB -DQT_NETWORK_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/mkspecs/linux-g++-64 -I. -I. -I/usr/include/python2.7 -I/usr/include/qt5 -I/usr/include/qt5/QtWebKit -I/usr/include/qt5/QtNetwork -I/usr/include/qt5/QtGui -I/usr/include/qt5/QtCore -I. -o sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.o sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.cpp
~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.cpp: In function ‘PyObject* meth_QWebSecurityOrigin_addAccessWhitelistEntry(PyObject*, PyObject*)’:
~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.cpp:384:9: error: ‘SubdomainSetting’ is not a member of ‘QWebSecurityOrigin’
QWebSecurityOrigin::SubdomainSetting a2;
~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.cpp:384:46: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘a2’
QWebSecurityOrigin::SubdomainSetting a2;
~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.cpp:387:214: error: ‘a2’ was not declared in this scope
if (sipParseArgs(&sipParseErr, sipArgs, "BJ1J1E", &sipSelf, sipType_QWebSecurityOrigin, &sipCpp, sipType_QString,&a0, &a0State, sipType_QString,&a1, &a1State, sipType_QWebSecurityOrigin_SubdomainSetting, &a2))
~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.cpp:389:21: error: ‘class QWebSecurityOrigin’ has no member named ‘addAccessWhitelistEntry’
~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.cpp: In function ‘PyObject* meth_QWebSecurityOrigin_removeAccessWhitelistEntry(PyObject*, PyObject*)’:
~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.cpp:417:9: error: ‘SubdomainSetting’ is not a member of ‘QWebSecurityOrigin’
QWebSecurityOrigin::SubdomainSetting a2;
~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.cpp:417:46: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘a2’
QWebSecurityOrigin::SubdomainSetting a2;
~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.cpp:420:214: error: ‘a2’ was not declared in this scope
if (sipParseArgs(&sipParseErr, sipArgs, "BJ1J1E", &sipSelf, sipType_QWebSecurityOrigin, &sipCpp, sipType_QString,&a0, &a0State, sipType_QString,&a1, &a1State, sipType_QWebSecurityOrigin_SubdomainSetting, &a2))
~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.cpp:422:21: error: ‘class QWebSecurityOrigin’ has no member named ‘removeAccessWhitelistEntry’
~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.cpp: In function ‘void* init_type_QWebSecurityOrigin(sipSimpleWrapper*, PyObject*, PyObject*, PyObject**, PyObject**, PyObject**)’:
~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.cpp:477:48: error: no matching function for call to ‘QWebSecurityOrigin::QWebSecurityOrigin(const QUrl&)’
sipCpp = new QWebSecurityOrigin(*a0);
~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.cpp:477:48: note: candidates are:
In file included from ~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/sip/QtWebKit/qwebsecurityorigin.sip:26:0:
/usr/include/qt5/QtWebKit/qwebsecurityorigin.h:64:5: note: QWebSecurityOrigin::QWebSecurityOrigin(QWebSecurityOriginPrivate*)
QWebSecurityOrigin(QWebSecurityOriginPrivate* priv);
/usr/include/qt5/QtWebKit/qwebsecurityorigin.h:64:5: note: no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘const QUrl’ to ‘QWebSecurityOriginPrivate*’
/usr/include/qt5/QtWebKit/qwebsecurityorigin.h:58:5: note: QWebSecurityOrigin::QWebSecurityOrigin(const QWebSecurityOrigin&)
QWebSecurityOrigin(const QWebSecurityOrigin& other);
/usr/include/qt5/QtWebKit/qwebsecurityorigin.h:58:5: note: no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘const QUrl’ to ‘const QWebSecurityOrigin&’
~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.cpp: At global scope:
~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.cpp:516:48: error: ‘AllowSubdomains’ is not a member of ‘QWebSecurityOrigin’
{sipName_AllowSubdomains, static_cast<int>(QWebSecurityOrigin::AllowSubdomains), 21},
~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.cpp:517:51: error: ‘DisallowSubdomains’ is not a member of ‘QWebSecurityOrigin’
{sipName_DisallowSubdomains, static_cast<int>(QWebSecurityOrigin::DisallowSubdomains), 21},
make[1]: *** [sipQtWebKitQWebSecurityOrigin.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `~/Downloads/PyQt-gpl-5.5/QtWebKit'
make: *** [sub-QtWebKit-make_first-ordered] Error 2
结果是我可以进行安装并获得一些我期望的功能;但是,我缺少 WebKit 小部件的一些必需功能.我希望我提供了足够的信息来描述我被卡住的地方.我对深入研究代码感到害羞;但是,我假设答案实际上要简单得多.
The outcome is that I can make install and get some of the functionality that I'd expect; however, I am missing some required functionality with the WebKit widgets. I hope that I have supplied enough information to describe where i'm stuck. I feel just shy of digging into the code; however, I'm assuming that the answer is actually much simpler.
I started digging through the source package for the file that is failing to be compiled. In the sip directory there is a sip file QWebSecurityOrigin that contains the following:
%If (Qt_5_2_0 -)
enum SubdomainSetting
我可以合理地期望包含此代码,因为 qmake 告诉我以下内容:
I can reasonably expect that this code be included as qmake tells me the following:
qmake --version
QMake version 3.0
Using Qt version 5.2.1 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
接下来我想查看 Qt 提供的 qwebsecurityorigin.h,看看错误是否可能来自那里.我的安装在这里:/usr/include/qt5/QtWebKit/qwebsecurityorigin.h
Next I wanted to look into the qwebsecurityorigin.h that was provided by Qt to see if the error could come from there. Mine is installed here: /usr/include/qt5/QtWebKit/qwebsecurityorigin.h
#include <QtCore/qurl.h>
#include <QtCore/qshareddata.h>
#include "qwebkitglobal.h"
namespace WebCore {
class SecurityOrigin;
class ChromeClientQt;
class QWebSecurityOriginPrivate;
class QWebDatabase;
class QWebFrame;
class QWEBKIT_EXPORT QWebSecurityOrigin {
static QList<QWebSecurityOrigin> allOrigins();
static void addLocalScheme(const QString& scheme);
static void removeLocalScheme(const QString& scheme);
static QStringList localSchemes();
QString scheme() const;
QString host() const;
int port() const;
qint64 databaseUsage() const;
qint64 databaseQuota() const;
void setDatabaseQuota(qint64 quota);
void setApplicationCacheQuota(qint64 quota);
QList<QWebDatabase> databases() const;
QWebSecurityOrigin(const QWebSecurityOrigin& other);
QWebSecurityOrigin &operator=(const QWebSecurityOrigin& other);
friend class QWebDatabase;
friend class QWebFrameAdapter;
friend class WebCore::ChromeClientQt;
QWebSecurityOrigin(QWebSecurityOriginPrivate* priv);
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QWebSecurityOriginPrivate> d;
注意,没有定义枚举.搜索 Qt 5.5 表明枚举应该在那里:http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qwebsecurityorigin.html#SubdomainSetting-enum
Note, no enum is defined. A search of Qt 5.5 suggests that the enum should be there: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qwebsecurityorigin.html#SubdomainSetting-enum
最后,我记得我安装了 libqt5webkit 与大量 Qt 库分开;所以,我对包进行了版本检查:
Finally, had recalled that I installed libqt5webkit separately from the bulk of the Qt libraries; so, I did a version check on the package:
dpkg -s libqt5webkit5
Package: libqt5webkit5
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: libs
Installed-Size: 34225
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>
Architecture: amd64
Multi-Arch: same
Source: qtwebkit-opensource-src
Version: 5.1.1-1ubuntu8
这个输出对于 dev 包几乎是一样的.因此,这使得它看起来是大部分 Qt5 发行版,在 repos 中,与 webkit 的版本不同.此外,如果 QWebKit 在 5.1.1 上,它会解释为什么 enum 丢失,因为 sip 文件似乎表明它是 5.2.0 中的一个补充.
This output is almost identical for the dev package. So this makes it appear as the bulk of the Qt5 distribution, in the repos, is on a different version than webkit. Furthermore, if QWebKit is on 5.1.1, it would explain why the enum is missing as the sip file seems to suggest it was an addition in 5.2.0.
所以我的解决方案是使用自动安装程序(使用 sudo 运行,使用默认值)从 Qt 网站下载并安装 Qt 5.5.然后,我通过清除构建目录并再次解压源代码来重新开始使用 PyQt5 源代码:
So my solution was to download and install Qt 5.5 from the Qt website using the automated installer (ran with sudo, using defaults). I then started fresh with the PyQt5 source by blowing away the build directory and unpacking source again:
python configure.py --sip-incdir=/usr/include/python2.7/ --qmake=/opt/Qt/5.5/gcc_64/bin/qmake
sudo make install
许可证不兼容;但是,使用错误输出快速搜索 pyqt5 configure.py 脚本,可能会深入了解如何配置和编译代码.
The licenses are not compatible; however, a quick search through the pyqt5 configure.py script, using the error output, may give some insight into getting the code configured and compiling.
这篇关于在 Ubuntu 14.04 上构建 PyQt5 的问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!