本文介绍了允许用户在 Android 中免费下载您自己的付费应用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 Play 商店中有一个付费应用(个人资料小工具,如果有人想知道 ;)) 我想允许一些用户(朋友,或没有信用卡的人)免费下载它.

I have a paid app in the Play Store (Profile Widget, in case anyone is wondering ;)) and I want to allow some users (friends, or people who do not have a credit card) to download it for free.

当然,我可以只向他们发送 APK,但他们不会自动获得更新,并且对于应用程序的每次更新,我都必须再次向他们发送所有 APK 文件.而且,通过使用这种方法,任何有权访问 APK 文件的人都可以免费安装该应用程序.

Of course I could just send them the APK, but they wouldn't get the updates automatically, and with every update to the app I would have to send them all the APK file again. And also, by using this method, anyone that had access to the APK file would be able to install the app for free.

我看到通过使用 Android 许可库,您可以让一些用户绕过许可检查,但我希望应用在 Play 商店中为他们显示为已购买",我认为这样做不会.

I saw that by using the Android Licensing Library you could make some users bypass the License Check, but I want the app to show as "Purchased" for them in the Play Store, and I don't think this would do it.

我搜索了 Stack Overflow,但没有找到任何解决方案(例如创建一个单独的 APK 并从真实"应用检查其存在)处理自动更新部分.

I searched Stack Overflow but none of the solutions I found (like creating a separate APK and checking for its existence from the "real" app) handled the auto-update part.


Has anyone found a good solution for this?



您现在可以生成促销代码并将其分发给 Google Play 上的现有用户和新用户,以提高参与度.在开发者控制台的促销"选项卡下,您可以为您的应用、游戏和应用内产品设置促销代码,以在您自己的营销活动中分发(每个应用最多 500 个代码,每季度).考虑使用促销代码来奖励忠实用户并吸引新客户.

You can now generate and distribute promo codes to current and new users on Google Play to drive engagement. Under the Promotions tab in the Developer Console, you can set up promo codes for your apps, games, and in-app products to distribute in your own marketing campaigns (up to 500 codes per app, per quarter). Consider using promo codes to reward loyal users and attract new customers.

参考:1) http:///android-developers.blogspot.in/2016/01/create-promo-codes-for-your-apps-and-in.html

2) https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-开发者/answer/6321495

这篇关于允许用户在 Android 中免费下载您自己的付费应用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 14:11