



I need to order data by two columns, How do i do that?


Name   |  ImpFile   |  ImpTime
Sam      Imp01        2012-05-16 09:54:02.477
Ann      Imp01        2012-05-16 09:54:02.478
Mark     Imp01        2012-05-16 09:54:02.477
John     Import12     2012-05-16 09:55:37.384
Bart     Import12     2012-05-16 09:55:37.387
Sasha    Import12     2012-05-16 09:55:37.385

我需要按 ImpTime 和 ImpName 对这个表进行排序,它应该是这样的:

I need to sort this table by ImpTime and ImpName and it should look like this:

Name   |  ImpFile   |  ImpTime
         Import12    2012-05-16 09:55:37.387
Bart     Import12    2012-05-16 09:55:37.387
John     Import12    2012-05-16 09:55:37.384
Sasha    Import12    2012-05-16 09:55:37.385
         Imp01       2012-05-16 09:54:02.478
Ann      Imp01       2012-05-16 09:54:02.478
Mark     Imp01       2012-05-16 09:54:02.477
Sam      Imp01       2012-05-16 09:54:02.477


I am using this query, but it does not order the table by Name, in only orders by name when the time is the same value for multiple rows.

select Name, ImpFile, ImpTime
from people
select distinct '', ImpFile, max(ImpTime)
from people
group by ImpFile
order by ImpTime desc, Name


This query gives me table like this:

Name   |  ImpFile   |  ImpTime
         Import12     2012-05-16 09:55:37.387
John     Import12     2012-05-16 09:55:37.384
Bart     Import12     2012-05-16 09:55:37.387
Sasha    Import12     2012-05-16 09:55:37.385
         Imp01        2012-05-16 09:54:02.478
Sam      Imp01        2012-05-16 09:54:02.477
Ann      Imp01        2012-05-16 09:54:02.478
Mark     Imp01        2012-05-16 09:54:02.477


Is there any way to order by those two column at the same time?

编辑当我使用 order by ImpFile DESC, ImpTime desc 时会发生什么?

EDITWhat happens when I use order by ImpFile DESC, ImpTime desc?
It gives me a result table like this:

Name   |  ImpFile   |  ImpTime
         Import12    2012-05-16 09:55:37.387
         Imp01       2012-05-16 09:54:02.478
Bart     Import12    2012-05-16 09:55:37.387
John     Import12    2012-05-16 09:55:37.384
Sasha    Import12    2012-05-16 09:55:37.385
Ann      Imp01       2012-05-16 09:54:02.478
Mark     Imp01       2012-05-16 09:54:02.477
Sam      Imp01       2012-05-16 09:54:02.477



Get the leader of each group and sort them by descending time:

with grp(Name,ImpFile,TimeGroup,ImpTime) as
  select cast(null as varchar(5)), ImpFile, max(ImpTime) as TimeGroup,
         max(ImpTime) as ImpTime
  from people
  group by ImpFile
select *
from grp
order by TimeGroup desc;


NAME      IMPFILE   TIMEGROUP                     IMPTIME
(null)    Import12  2012-05-16 09:55:37.3870000   2012-05-16 09:55:37.3870000
(null)    Imp01     2012-05-16 09:54:02.4780000   2012-05-16 09:54:02.4780000


Then join the followers to leader and get the leader's time(TimeGroup):

with grp(Name,ImpFile,TimeGroup,ImpTime) as
  select cast(null as varchar(5)), ImpFile, max(ImpTime) as TimeGroup,
         max(ImpTime) as ImpTime
  from people
  group by ImpFile

  union all

  select p.Name, p.ImpFile, ldr.TimeGroup, p.ImpTime
  from people p
  inner join grp ldr -- leader
  on ldr.name is null and ldr.ImpFile = p.ImpFile
select Name, ImpFile, ImpTime
from grp
order by TimeGroup desc, Name


(null)    Import12  2012-05-16 09:55:37.3870000
Bart      Import12  2012-05-16 09:55:37.3870000
John      Import12  2012-05-16 09:55:37.3840000
Sasha     Import12  2012-05-16 09:55:37.3850000
(null)    Imp01     2012-05-16 09:54:02.4780000
Ann       Imp01     2012-05-16 09:54:02.4780000
Mark      Imp01     2012-05-16 09:54:02.4770000
Sam       Imp01     2012-05-16 09:54:02.4770000

查询的逻辑是,我们根据 ImpFile 将追随者(有名字的人)的时间与其领导者的时间(TimeGroup)对齐.Leader和它的follower有相同的时间组,所以当我们按时间排序时,他们会互相粘在一起;之后,我们按名称排序

The logic of the query is, we align the followers(those with name)'s time to their leader's time(TimeGroup) based on ImpFile. Leader and its followers have same time group, so when we sort them by time, they will stick to each other; then after that, we sort by name


如果我们希望组长出现在它的追随者之后,只需在 ORDER BY 上放置一个案例:

If we want the group leader to appear after its followers, just put a case when on ORDER BY:

with grp(Name,ImpFile,TimeGroup,ImpTime) as
  select cast(null as varchar(5)), ImpFile, max(ImpTime) as TimeGroup,
         max(ImpTime) as ImpTime
  from people
  group by ImpFile

  union all

  select p.Name, p.ImpFile, ldr.TimeGroup, p.ImpTime
  from people p
  inner join grp ldr -- leader
  on ldr.name is null and ldr.ImpFile = p.ImpFile
select Name, ImpFile, ImpTime
from grp
order by TimeGroup desc,

  when Name is null then 2 -- leader last
  else 1 -- followers first



Bart      Import12  2012-05-16 09:55:37.3870000
John      Import12  2012-05-16 09:55:37.3840000
Sasha     Import12  2012-05-16 09:55:37.3850000
(null)    Import12  2012-05-16 09:55:37.3870000
Ann       Imp01     2012-05-16 09:54:02.4780000
Mark      Imp01     2012-05-16 09:54:02.4770000
Sam       Imp01     2012-05-16 09:54:02.4770000
(null)    Imp01     2012-05-16 09:54:02.4780000



with grp(Name,ImpFile,TimeGroup,ImpTime) as
  select cast(null as varchar(5)), ImpFile, max(ImpTime) as TimeGroup,
         max(ImpTime) as ImpTime
  from people
  group by ImpFile

  union all

  select p.Name, p.ImpFile, ldr.TimeGroup, p.ImpTime
  from people p
  inner join grp ldr -- leader
  on ldr.name is null and ldr.ImpFile = p.ImpFile
select *
from grp
order by TimeGroup desc, Name;


NAME      IMPFILE   IMPTIME                       TIMEGROUP
(null)    Import12  2012-05-16 09:55:37.3870000   2012-05-16 09:55:37.3870000
Bart      Import12  2012-05-16 09:55:37.3870000   2012-05-16 09:55:37.3870000
John      Import12  2012-05-16 09:55:37.3840000   2012-05-16 09:55:37.3870000
Sasha     Import12  2012-05-16 09:55:37.3850000   2012-05-16 09:55:37.3870000
(null)    Imp01     2012-05-16 09:54:02.4780000   2012-05-16 09:54:02.4780000
Ann       Imp01     2012-05-16 09:54:02.4780000   2012-05-16 09:54:02.4780000
Mark      Imp01     2012-05-16 09:54:02.4770000   2012-05-16 09:54:02.4780000
Sam       Imp01     2012-05-16 09:54:02.4770000   2012-05-16 09:54:02.4780000



07-18 17:46