本文介绍了SPARK DataFrame:如何根据相同的列值有效地拆分每个组的数据帧的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个 DataFrame 生成如下:

I have a DataFrame generated as follows:

df.groupBy($"Hour", $"Category")


|   0|   cat26|      30.9|
|   0|   cat13|      22.1|
|   0|   cat95|      19.6|
|   0|  cat105|       1.3|
|   1|   cat67|      28.5|
|   1|    cat4|      26.8|
|   1|   cat13|      12.6|
|   1|   cat23|       5.3|
|   2|   cat56|      39.6|
|   2|   cat40|      29.7|
|   2|  cat187|      27.9|
|   2|   cat68|       9.8|
|   3|    cat8|      35.6|
| ...|    ....|      ....|

我想根据 col("Hour") 的每个唯一值创建新的数据帧,即

I would like to make new dataframes based on every unique value of col("Hour") , i.e.

  • Hour==0 组
  • Hour==1 组
  • 为Hour==2组等等...


df0 as:

|   0|   cat26|      30.9|
|   0|   cat13|      22.1|
|   0|   cat95|      19.6|
|   0|  cat105|       1.3|

df1 as:
|   1|   cat67|      28.5|
|   1|    cat4|      26.8|
|   1|   cat13|      12.6|
|   1|   cat23|       5.3|


df2 as:

|   2|   cat56|      39.6|
|   2|   cat40|      29.7|
|   2|  cat187|      27.9|
|   2|   cat68|       9.8|


编辑 1:


  row => splitHour(row)

def splitHour(row: Row) ={
    val Hour=row.getAs[Long]("Hour")

    val HourDF= sparkSession.createDataFrame(List((s"$Hour",1)))

    val hdf=HourDF.withColumnRenamed("_1","Hour_unique").drop("_2")

    val mydf: DataFrame =df.join(hdf,df("Hour")===hdf("Hour_unique"))



在具有超过 100 万行的数据帧 df 上运行它需要 8 小时,并且在单个节点上为 Spark 作业提供了大约 10 GB 的 RAM.因此,join 变得非常低效.

It took 8 hours when it was run on a dataframe df which had over 1 million rows and spark job was given around 10 GB RAM on single node. So, join is turning out to be highly in-efficient.

警告:我必须将每个数据帧 mydf 编写为镶木地板,其中包含需要维护(未展平)的嵌套架构.

Caveat: I have to write each dataframe mydf as parquet which has nested schema that is required to be maintained (not flattened).



As noted in my comments, one potentially easy approach to this problem would be to use:


如前所述,文件夹结构将是 myparquet/hour=1myparquet/hour=2、...、myparquet/hour=24myparquet/1myparquet/2、...、myparquet/24 相对.

As noted, the folder structure would be myparquet/hour=1, myparquet/hour=2, ..., myparquet/hour=24 as opposed to myparquet/1, myparquet/2, ..., myparquet/24.


To change the folder structure, you could

  1. 可能在显式 HiveContext 中使用 Hive 配置设置 hcat.dynamic.partitioning.custom.pattern;更多信息请参见 HCatalog DynamicPartitions.
  2. 另一种方法是在您执行了 df.write.partitionBy.saveAsTable(...) 命令后直接更改文件系统,例如 for f in *;做 mv $f ${f/${f:0:5}/} ;done 将从文件夹名称中删除 Hour= 文本.
  1. Potentially use the Hive configuration setting hcat.dynamic.partitioning.custom.pattern within an explicit HiveContext; more information at HCatalog DynamicPartitions.
  2. Another approach would be to change the file system directly after you have executed the df.write.partitionBy.saveAsTable(...) command with something like for f in *; do mv $f ${f/${f:0:5}/} ; done which would remove the Hour= text from the folder name.

需要注意的是,通过更改文件夹的命名模式,当您在该文件夹中运行 spark.read.parquet(...) 时,Spark 不会自动理解动态分区,因为它缺少 partitionKey(即 Hour)信息.

It is important to note that by changing the naming pattern for the folders, when you are running spark.read.parquet(...) in that folder, Spark will not automatically understand the dynamic partitions since its missing the partitionKey (i.e. Hour) information.

这篇关于SPARK DataFrame:如何根据相同的列值有效地拆分每个组的数据帧的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-24 23:38