我需要本地化的iphone /安卓/黑莓手机浏览器的用户,试图获得GPS位置开始,然后CELL ID,等...究竟我的位置做了什么!但1小时后在网上搜索,我发现什么!
Does My Location feature of google maps has any API ?I need to localize users in the iphone/android/blackberry phones browsers, starting by trying to get the GPS location, then Cell ID, etc ... exactly what My Location does! But after 1 hour searching the web, i found nothing!Thank you
我presume这是一个HTML?如果是这样,使用。它适用于Android / iPhone以及最近的BlackBerry设备。使用示例:
I presume this is a HTML? If so, use HTML5 Geo Location API. It works on Android/iPhone and the more recent BlackBerry devices. Example of use:
更新设置的 enableHighAccuracy 的为true,因此该设备将尝试获得高精度定位
Updated to set enableHighAccuracy to true so the device will attempt to get high accuracy location
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(locationHandler, locationErrorHandler,
function locationHandler(position)
var lat = position.coords.latitude;
var lng = position.coords.longitude;