本文介绍了需要understad AudioRecord和AudioTrack如何为原料PCM采集和回放工作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I use the following code in a Thread to capture raw audio samples from the microphone and play it back through the speaker.

public void run(){
            short[] lin = new short[SIZE_OF_RECORD_ARRAY];
            int num = 0;
            // am = (AudioManager) this.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); // -> MOVED THESE TO init()
            // am.setMode(AudioManager.MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION);
            while (passThroughMode) {
            // while (!isInterrupted()) {
                num = record.read(lin, 0, SIZE_OF_RECORD_ARRAY);
                    lin[i] *= WAV_SAMPLE_MULTIPLICATION_FACTOR;
                track.write(lin, 0, num);
            // /*
            // */

其中,记录 AudioRecord 跟踪是一个 Audiotrack 。我需要详细了解(并以简化的方式,如果可能的话)如何AudioRecord存储PCM数据和AudioTrack播放PCM数据。这是我迄今为止的理解是:

where record is an AudioRecord and track is an Audiotrack. I need to know in detail (and in a simplified way if possible) how the AudioRecord stores PCM data and AudioTrack plays PCM data. This is how I have understood it so far:

作为while()循环是连续运行的,记录获得如该图所示样品SIZE_OF_RECORD_ARRAY数目(它是1024现在)。样品得到短裤的林[]数组中连续保存(16位短裤,因为我使用的16位PCM编码)。这是由 record.read进行()。然后 track.write()在由硬件播放的扬声器放置这些样品。这是正确的还是我失去了一些东西在这里?

As the while() loop is continuously running, record obtains SIZE_OF_RECORD_ARRAY number of samples (which is 1024 for now) as shown in the figure. The samples get saved contiguously in the lin[] array of shorts (16 bit shorts, as I am using 16 bit PCM encoding). This is done by record.read(). Then track.write() places these samples in the speaker which is played by the hardware. Is this correct or am I missing something here?


至于样本是如何在内存布局;他们是线性近似的到的声波,在离散时间(如您图所示)只花了数组。在立体声的情况下,样品将被交织(LRLRLRLR ...)。

As for how the samples are laid out in memory; they're just arrays of linear approximations to a sound wave, taken at discrete times (like your figure shows). In the case of stereo, the samples will be interleaved (LRLRLRLR...).


When it comes to the path the audio takes, you're essentially right, although there are a few more steps involved:

  • 将数据写入到Java AudioTrack 使其做出JNI(Java本地接口)调用到<一个href=\"https://www.$c$caurora.org/cgit/quic/la/platform/frameworks/base/tree/core/jni/android_media_AudioTrack.cpp?h=jb_mr1#n601\"相对=nofollow>本机辅助类,这反过来又调用<一个href=\"https://www.$c$caurora.org/cgit/quic/la/platform/frameworks/av/tree/media/libmedia/AudioTrack.cpp?h=jb_mr1\"相对=nofollow>本地 AudioTrack 类。

  • Writing data to your Java AudioTrack causes it to make a JNI (Java Native Interface) call to a native helper class, which in turn calls the native AudioTrack class.

该AudioTracks由<一资href=\"https://www.$c$caurora.org/cgit/quic/la/platform/frameworks/av/tree/services/audioflinger/AudioFlinger.cpp?h=jb_mr1\"相对=nofollow> AudioFlinger ,该定期从给定输出线程所有AudioTracks(已通过<混合数据需要href=\"https://www.$c$caurora.org/cgit/quic/la/platform/frameworks/av/tree/services/audioflinger/AudioMixer.cpp?h=jb_mr1\"相对=nofollow> AudioMixer ),并将其写入<一个href=\"https://www.$c$caurora.org/cgit/quic/la/platform/hardware/qcom/audio/tree/alsa_sound/AudioStreamOutALSA.cpp?h=jb_mr1#n102\"相对=nofollow>音频HAL输出流类。

The AudioTracks are owned by the AudioFlinger, which periodically takes data from all the AudioTracks on a given output thread (which have been mixed by the AudioMixer) and writes it to the audio HAL output stream class.


When recording from the internal microphone(s) you'd have more or less the same steps, except that they'd be done in the opposite order.


Note that some of these steps (essentially everything from the audio HAL and below) are platform-specific, and therefore might differ between platforms from different vendors (and even different platforms from the same vendor).

这篇关于需要understad AudioRecord和AudioTrack如何为原料PCM采集和回放工作的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 14:59