升级TLS 1.2

本文介绍了升级TLS 1.2的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



             我们有基于.net framwork 3.5的MVC.NET应用程序,它是从Windows 2008 R2 SP1 Web服务器托管的。现在我们要将TLS升级到1.2。我尝试了在Registry TLS 1.2中明确添加密钥
并启用并明确禁用TLS 1.0和TLS 1.1的选项。我还尝试在两个地方为所有framweworks添加关键的SchUseStrongCrypto  HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microoft \ .NetFramework和HKLM \ SOFTWARE \Wow6432Node \ Microoft \ .NetFramework但是
仍然可以在wireshark日志中看到netscaler和webserver之间的通信发生在TLS 1.0上。有人能给我详细的升级TLS 1.2的步骤吗?我是否需要在我的应用程序中进行任何代码更改?我见过很多msdn博客,但

              We have MVC.NET application based on .net framwork 3.5 being hosted from Windows 2008 R2 SP1 web server. Now we want to upgrade TLS to 1.2 . I tried the options of adding the keys in Registry TLS 1.2 explicitly and enabling and also explicitly disabling the TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1. I have also tried adding the key SchUseStrongCrypto for all the framweworks at two places HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NetFramework and HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NetFramework but still i can see in wireshark logs the communication between netscaler and webserver happens on TLS 1.0. Can some one give me the detailed steps of upgrading the TLS 1.2 ? Do i need to do any code change in my application ? I have seen lots of msdn blogs but none of them helped.






>> 升级TLS 1.2

>>Upgrade of TLS 1.2


What's your Windows version?

Microsoft已为.Net 3.5添加了一项功能,允许应用程序可选择使用系统默认的SSL和TLS版本,包括TLS 1.2。要使用此功能,您应首先安装特定于每个Windows版本的修补程序,如下面的知识库文章中的

The Microsoft has added a feature for .Net 3.5 allowing applications to optionally use system-default SSL and TLS versions, including TLS 1.2. To use this feature, you should first install a patch that is specific to each version of Windows, as described in the KB articles below, and then modify the registry as described in each KB article.

KB3154​​518  功能; 可靠性汇总HR-1605 - NDP 2.0 SP2 - Win7 SP1 / Win 2008 R2 SP1

KB3154518    Reliability Rollup HR-1605 - NDP 2.0 SP2 - Win7 SP1/Win 2008 R2 SP1

KB3154​​519 功能;  可靠性汇总HR-1605 - NDP 2.0 SP2 - Win8 RTM / Win 2012 RTM

KB3154519    Reliability Rollup HR-1605 - NDP 2.0 SP2 - Win8 RTM/Win 2012 RTM

KB3154​​520 功能;  可靠性汇总HR-1605 - NDP 2.0 SP2 - Win8.1RTM / Win 2012 R2 RTM

KB3154520    Reliability Rollup HR-1605 - NDP 2.0 SP2 - Win8.1RTM/Win 2012 R2 RTM

KB3156421 功能;   1605 HotFix汇总通过适用于Windows 10的Windows Update。

KB3156421    1605 HotFix Rollup through Windows Update for Windows 10.


Hope this could be help of you.


Baron Bi

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05-29 12:53