我正在一个项目上,该项目要求在Web逻辑服务器上启用TLS 1.2版以进行传出https事务.我尝试在Web逻辑启动脚本中使用以下属性:Weblogic.security.SSL.minimumProtocolVersion = TLSv1.2或者Weblogic.security.SSL.protocolVersion = TLS
I am working on one project which require TLS version 1.2 to be enabled on web logic server for outgoing https transactions.I tried using below properties in web logic startup script :Weblogic.security.SSL.minimumProtocolVersion=TLSv1.2OrWeblogic.security.SSL.protocolVersion=TLS
但是当我进行一些测试时,我能够看到TLSv1仍在weblogic SSL日志的clientHello消息中使用.我们尝试了所有排列组合以使用TLSv1.2开始TLS握手,但到目前为止没有成功.
But when I ran some test I was able to see TLSv1 still getting used in the clientHello message in weblogic SSL logs. We tried every permutation and combination to start the TLS handshake with TLSv1.2 but no success so far.
当我们在weblogic中启用基于sun的http处理程序并在启动脚本中使用了以下属性时,我能够使用TLSv1.2-DUseSunHttpHandler = true -Dhttps.protocols = TLSv1.2
When we enabled sun based http handler in weblogic and used below property in startup script, I was able to use TLSv1.2-DUseSunHttpHandler=true -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2
我的问题是,当使用weblogic http连接类而不是基于sun的http类时,如何使用IBM Java 1.7 SR9在weblogic 12c版本中启用TLSv1.2来进行出站https事务?
My question is how to enable TLSv1.2 in weblogic 12c version with IBM java 1.7 SR9 for outgoing https transactions when using weblogic http connection classes instead of sun based http classes?
You can enable TLSv1.2 for Outgoing connection from Weblogic.
Under the managed servfer, Server Startup in the arguments add as below
-Djdk.tls.client.protocols = TLSv1.2