本文介绍了如何使 *Buffer List* 出现在其他窗口下方?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



那么,不是在当前活动窗口的下方(或右侧)创建一个拆分窗口,而是将其显示在所有现有窗口下方且框架高度的一半?而且,关闭后,框架布局会恢复到调用 C-x C-b 之前的样子吗?

So, instead of creating a split window under (or to the right of) the currently active window, it would appear below all the existed ones with a half of the frame height? And, after closing, frame layout would be restored as it was before calling C-x C-b?


I’d like see the full paths to opened files.



See also my previous answer to your related issue: https://stackoverflow.com/a/21544307/2112489

另见@phils 的相关回答,其中包括一个不错的 halve-other-window-height 函数:https://stackoverflow.com/a/4988206/2112489

See also a related answer by @phils, which includes a nice halve-other-window-height function: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4988206/2112489

另见内置库存函数 display-buffer-below-selecteddisplay-buffer-at-bottom,它们在最新版本的 Emacs 中可用主干——我不确定每个功能是什么时候首次引入的.它们在 window.el 中.

See also the built-in stock functions display-buffer-below-selected or display-buffer-at-bottom, which are available in a recent version of Emacs Trunk -- I'm not sure when each function was first introduced. They are in window.el.

split-window 函数的文档字符串在相关部分说明:SIZE 默认为一半WINDOW 的大小.这是第二个可选参数——即,split-window(&可选窗口大小侧像素)

The doc-string of the function split-window states in relevant part:  SIZE defaults to half ofWINDOW's size. That is the second optional argument -- i.e., split-window (&optional window size side pixelwise)

不要羞于修改这些东西——你可以让它做任何你想做的事.如果想在窗口显示后自动选择窗口,那么你可以在 lawlist-display-buffer-below 函数的底部添加:(select-window (get-buffer-window (buffer-name buffer))) -- 当然,在右边留下两个右括号 -- 即 let 绑定的一个右括号和 let 绑定的一个右括号defun.

Don't be shy about modifying these things -- you can make it do whatever you want. If want to select the window automatically after it is displayed, then you can add this to the bottom of the lawlist-display-buffer-below function:  (select-window (get-buffer-window (buffer-name buffer))) -- leaving, of course, two closing parenthesis to the right -- i.e., one closing parentheis for the let binding and one closing parenthesis for the defun.

(defun lawlist-list-buffers-below (&optional arg)
  "Display a list of existing buffers.
The list is displayed in a buffer named "*Buffer List*".
See `buffer-menu' for a description of the Buffer Menu.
    By default, all buffers are listed except those whose names start
with a space (which are for internal use).  With prefix argument
ARG, show only buffers that are visiting files."
  (interactive "P")
  (lawlist-display-buffer-below (list-buffers-noselect arg) nil))

(defun lawlist-display-buffer-below (buffer alist)
 (let (
        ((get-buffer-window buffer (selected-frame)))
        ((window-in-direction 'below))
          (split-window (selected-window) nil 'below)))))
  (window--display-buffer buffer window 'window alist display-buffer-mark-dedicated)))

这篇关于如何使 *Buffer List* 出现在其他窗口下方?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 13:17