

我有一个名为Application的C#项目,该项目基本上被认为代表了最顶层的应用程序层.所有其他层均被视为ClassLibraries,例如BUSINESSDAOUTIL.现在,我希望使用 App.config 文件来配置应用程序.为此,我需要使该配置文件对于所引用的ClassLibraries(程序集)可见.

I have a C# Project called Application which is basically considered to represent the top most application layer. All other Layers are treated as ClassLibraries like BUSINESS, DAO and UTIL. Now I want that the application be configurable by using the App.config file. For that purpose I need to make this configuration file visible for the referenced ClassLibraries (Assemblies).


For me, the most suitable solution would be that the UTIL assembly has access to the App.config and is able to share those accessible items to the upper application layers.

到目前为止,我尝试在UTIL程序集中创建 Settings.settings 文件,该文件定义了一项:Name: ElemName; Type: String; Scope: Application.位于Application程序集中的 App.config 文件包含以下来源:

So far I tried to create a Settings.settings file in the UTIL assembly which defines one item: Name: ElemName; Type: String; Scope: Application. The App.config file which is located within the Application assembly contains the following source:

    <setting name="ElemName" serializesAs="String">


If I now try to access this property via: Settings.Default.ElemName,the build fails with error: 'UTIL.Settings' is inaccessible due to its protection level


A further approach, to make this property visible via a helper class inside assembly UTIL

public String GetElemName()
  return Settings.Default.ElemName;

失败,并且在System.Configuration.dll中发生了'System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException'... ...附加信息:配置系统无法初始化

fails with an: 'System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException' occurred in System.Configuration.dll ... Additional information: Configuration system failed to initialize

我如何使其运行? (我只需要阅读配置)

How can I get it running? (I only need to read the configuration)



I solved this issue in a different way.


The Project called Application still contains the App.config file. All referenced assemblies (Business, DAO, UTIL, and TestAssemblies) just share the applications configuration.


  1. 项目(BusinessDAOUTIL等)->添加->现有项目->'选择'App.config->添加为链接
  2. 项目->添加参考-> .NET-> System.Configuration->确定
  3. string configValue = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["token"];
  1. Project (Business, DAO, UTIL, etc.) -> Add -> Existing Item -> 'Select' App.config -> Add As Link
  2. Project -> Add Reference -> .NET -> System.Configuration -> OK
  3. string configValue = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["token"];


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="token" value="ConfigValue" />

如果没有对现有App.conifg文件的引用,则在使用NUnit运行时不会解析该值.如果应用程序以调试模式启动,即使没有用户 Maarten


09-06 02:40