本文介绍了如何使 tkinter 画布背景透明?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在编写一个国际象棋程序,我希望能够拖动棋子.为此,我将作品的图像放在 Canvas 上,以便可以拖动它(如果需要,我也可以使用 Label).但是,当我拖动该作品时,该作品的图像周围会出现一个白色方块.


drag_canvas = Canvas(self, height=80, width=80, bg="yellow")root.wm_attributes("-transparentcolor", "黄色")



有什么办法可以让背景透明并显示后面的棋盘而不是 tkinter 窗口后面的程序?

注意:我不介意使用任何其他小部件(例如 Label),但它们必须使用 Python 默认的模块(因此没有 PIL),因为该程序需要在环境中使用我无法下载其他模块.


唯一可能的 config(... 选项,将背景设置为空




你必须把棋盘和数字放在同一个 .Canvas(....

 self.canvas = Canvas(self, width=500, height=200, bd=0, highlightthickness=0)self.canvas.create_rectangle(245,50,345,150, fill='white')self.image = tk.PhotoImage(file='chess.png')self.image_id = self.canvas.create_image(50,50, image=self.image)self.canvas.move(self.image_id, 245, 100)

使用 Python 测试:3.5 - TkVersion:8.6

I am making a chess program and I want to be able to drag the pieces. In order to do this, I put the image of the piece on a Canvas so it can be dragged (I can also use a Label if I want). However, when I drag the piece there is a white square that surrounds the image of the piece.

When I researched the problem, many people gave this solution:

drag_canvas = Canvas(self, height=80, width=80, bg="yellow")
root.wm_attributes("-transparentcolor", "yellow")

This caused the background to be transparent but it was not the chessboard that was visible, it was the program behind the GUI


Is there any way I can have the background be transparent and show the chessboard behind rather than the program behind the tkinter window?

Note: I do not mind using any other widget (e.g. a Label) but they must use modules that come default with Python (so no PIL) as this program needs to be used in an environment where I cannot download other modules.


The only possible config(... option, to set the background to nothing

To get this result:

you have to hold the chess board and figures within the same .Canvas(....

    self.canvas = Canvas(self, width=500, height=200, bd=0, highlightthickness=0)
    self.canvas.create_rectangle(245,50,345,150, fill='white')

    self.image = tk.PhotoImage(file='chess.png')
    self.image_id = self.canvas.create_image(50,50, image=self.image)

    self.canvas.move(self.image_id, 245, 100)

Tested with Python: 3.5 - TkVersion: 8.6

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09-05 13:52